Monday, 14 November 2016


I must say I am thoroughly enjoying the interview process. It's been refreshing to chat about topics of interest with like minded professionals and I feel I have not only been ticking off the answers to my inquiry questions but also learning a lot about different techniques and methods others use when teaching. This has really impacted my lessons and I have found myself approaching situations in completely different ways. The last few weeks have also allowed me to focus on my career path and think about my plan of action after I have finished my degree. I can't believe how much my plans have changed in the last few months! My research, both reading and interviews, have had a big impact on my future plans.
I have been overwhelmed with the kindness people have shown. I emailed several Dramatherapists that I had researched and have ended up having 2 interviews via Skype. These ladies took time out of their busy schedules to chat to a complete stranger! One of them is even on maternity leave!  I feel extremely grateful for all of their help and kindness. I feel I am making good professional contacts that will grow even after this degree is finished.
I have interviewed two colleugues in my current workplace, which has been fantastic. I feel very fortunate that my workplace is so supportive of my study and my boss has even set out time in the next two weeks for me to present to my team as part of my artefact. During the interviews we have also been bouncing ideas off each other regarding our workplace and new and exciting plans we want to implement. We have decided to hold an optional 8.30am meeting for anyone who wishes to discuss any students or issues they are having in class. The research of my workplace has made me realise how many of my colleugues are stressed  and exhausted yet won't ask for help. By setting up this weekly meeting it gives everyone the chance to off load and gain advice from their peers on challenging topics in the workplace. These meetings will be lead by myself and I am fully committed to being there every week to help and learn and grow as a team.
I've started seeing the bigger picture with regards to this degree. I have taken the stress of essays  and deadlines away by focusing on my career after my degree and what I hope to study in the future. This has made the literature reviews and research enjoyable as it is an area I am genuinely interested in.
I have completed 4 interviews and have my final 3 set up this week. I was quite frustrated at first that I couldn't get them all done sooner but people have busy lives and this I have learnt to accept. I have been reading the most wonderful book by a man called Clive Holmwood called 'Drama education and dramatherapy - exploring the space between the disciplines'. I had to pay about £35 for it but I highly recommend. I found this book just through researching and was so pleased that during one of my interviews with a dramatherapist she recommended the same book, which gave me a boost of confidence that I was on the right track!
I had been quite frustrated by the university library system and felt like I was wasting so much time searching for what I was looking for! On reflection I think my generation quite often expect instance results. After all we grew up in the age of Google! I am not used to having to sift through masses of information to find an answer! I also then reflected that I have always been incredibly impatient. I loose focus very easily if something doesn't keep my attention. Even as an adult I am easily bored and easily distracted! I use this to my advantage when teaching and my lessons are always high energy  and fast paced! I think this way of learning and this course has, in reflection, been very different to any study I have even done before and I have found this aspect very challenging at times. I do however hope to complete a masters so feel the skills I am acquiring will be extremely beneficial for the future. "Never Stop Learning!" :-)