I think we all have our different methods of gathering information and researching. This section of the module has really made me take a step back though and think about the tools I use on a. Day to day basis, if they are useful or if there are other methods out there I need to explore. Personally my top 5 sources I go to for information, in my professional life and in my personal life, are as follows....
1. GOOGLE! I rely on Google so much. I feel lost if I don't have my phone with me. Google maps has been essential since I moved to Singapore. I say essential, but actually if I didn't have Google maps I'm sure I wouldn't just be wandering around lost the whole time....I'd find a way. And that's the thing. I think as a generation we have come to expect the answers straight away. I mentioned this in an earlier blog but with the advances of technology being so rapid, we expect results at the press of a button. I even get frustrated if I have to wait a few minutes or if internet connection is down! Google helps me with day to day life scenarios but also with work. I find a lot of inspiration for my lesson plans on Google. When I'm feeling like I need some fresh drama games or guidance with a certain topic I look to Google. What it offers is the variety. The choice of many different answers. And this is why it comes top for me. There is always something useful to be found.
2. YOUTUBE. I teach Musical Theatre and Dance so youtube gives me quick and easy information on a certain song or musical. The visual aspect means I don't have to read through a synopsis, I can just watch a trailer or a snippet of a show. Research wise it immediately gives me a feel for the costume, set, props I can aspire to use in my pieces and also the style of dancing. I convert video clips into MP3 format to get backing tracks and also find it useful to send parents links to youtube clips so my students can research topics at home too. I have my own Youtube account and so does the school I work for. This is a private account for parents and students only. This allows an online collection of choreography, shows, class presentations. We always record choreography so that students can easily practice at home. This is so different to when I was growing up. It was a big effort to even get a cassette copy of a song. Youtube is a key source for my particular job.
3. FACEBOOK. I use this social media site every day. I sometimes feel I should go on it less but I do feel like I'm out of the loop if I haven't been on it for a few days. I'm part of quite a lot of Facebook groups which is a great source of information for my job. I gain inspiration for my lesson plans and choreography. I also find out information of upcoming new musicals and potential new material for my students to try. My background is musical theatre so I have a lot of contacts from the business. It's essential for me to know what is going on so that my teaching is relevant and not out dated. Facebook allows you to be redirected to many different sites and sources by the links that people post and share. It is easy to contact people on Facebook and can be done privately through your inbox. Therefore, it's a good tool for teachers to discuss certain topics with the privacy aspect.
4. AMPED. This is my source for music on a day to day basis. I incorporate music into all my lessons, even acting lessons where no singing or dancing is required. I feel music added so much to a piece. It opens up the students minds and inspires them. It gives them more of an idea of the era by listening to the lyrics and also the feel of that particular moment or decade. Music very often is synchronised with social and political feelings of that time. Pictures also use sound effects in my lessons to create tension and again give the drama game or exercise that added extra. This app was included on my phone plan. It is like Spotify. It allows me to search any artist or track and allows me to play the song for free. I use this for one off tracks to inspire my students in class or to research pieces so I don't have to buy them on iTunes. It's an essential tool for me as a source of information and research. I can then use what I have found to decide what pieces Ia m going to use for upcoming shows. I used to always have to buy the whole track and found that often I wouldn't use half of them for shows. This way I can try before I buy! And I get to listen to the whole track how ever many times I want.
5. FACE TO FACE CONTACT. In my opinion this is the most effective form of communication. How often does a text message or email or even a phone conversation get misinterpreted? At least with a face to face contact you can also read facial expressions, body language....you can gage a lot more about how someone is feeling and more about their personality. Professionally I have always seen the benefit of meeting someone face to face. Casting directors and agents gets hundreds of emails a day. If you actually go to their opening night of a show, after party or workshop they are running you become a real person and not just an email. It's a lot more difficult to get your personality across via email or phone. We judge people subconsciously before they have even spoken. Even if we try not to. You have already formed an opinion of them. When networking professionally it is key to meet people face to face as much as possible. It will give you a better chance at being remembered.
These are definitely my top 5 for the profession that I work in but I am interested to see how many of mine match other peoples. I think Google features a lot across all professions and LinkenIn for more marketing and business careers. I've enjoyed putting the focus on the tools that I use but also seeing what else is out there that could help me become better at what I do :-)
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Monday, 7 December 2015
The Networked Professional
I must admit, I had to read through Reader 3 a few times for it to make sense. I previously understood what professional networking was but didn't know about the theories behind it.
I found the topic of co operation or 'game theory' very interesting. I understand that game theory focuses upon the results of co operation and the decisions to co operate or not.
I was intrigued when reading about Robert Axelrod in Reader 3 and decided to do some more research.
"Under what conditions will cooperation emerge in a world of egoists without central authority? This question has intrigued people for a long time. We all know that people are not angels, and that they tend to look after themselves and their own first. Yet we also know that cooperation does occur and that our civilization is based upon it."
I found the topic of co operation or 'game theory' very interesting. I understand that game theory focuses upon the results of co operation and the decisions to co operate or not.
I was intrigued when reading about Robert Axelrod in Reader 3 and decided to do some more research.
"Under what conditions will cooperation emerge in a world of egoists without central authority? This question has intrigued people for a long time. We all know that people are not angels, and that they tend to look after themselves and their own first. Yet we also know that cooperation does occur and that our civilization is based upon it."
Adapted from Robert Axelrod, The Evolution of Cooperation. New York: Basic Books,
1984. Reprinted by permission.
I was fascinated to read about The Prisioners Dilemma game. I found this example from 'The evolution of co operation' by Robert Axelrod clear to understand:
"In this game there are two players. Each has two choices, namely “cooperate” or “defect.” The game is called the Prisoner’s Dilemma because in its original form two prisoners face the choice of informing on each other (defecting) or remaining silent (cooperating). Each must make the choice without knowing what the other will do. One form of the game pays off as follows:
Player’s Choice
If both players defect:
If both players cooperate:
If one player defects while the other player cooperates:
One can see that no matter what the other player does, defection yields a higher payoff than cooperation. If you think the other player will cooperate, it pays for you to defect (getting $5 rather than $3). On the other hand, if you think the other player will defect, it still pays for you to defect (getting $1 rather than zero). Therefore the temptation is to defect. But, the dilemma is that if both defect, both do worse than if both had cooperated."
I can see how this realates to professional networking and how we approach a networking situation. Both parties must must co operate! Relating this to myself and my work I can see that I could definitely co operate a bit more! I think it is definitely good to be aware of patterns and what works well for you but also not be too restricted to that as different situations require different approaches.
The Affiliation section of the reader definitely made me intrigued to read more. I read 'The Essential Social Psychology' (publication author/editor Crisp, Richard J. and Turner, Rhiannon N.) This made me question if I was an introvert or extrovert and how I feel being on my own and with groups. I would have said I was neither an introvert or extrovert beforehand but obviously I was just picturing the extremes. When reading about the social experiment done on children in orphanages it made me think about the importance of how you are brought up and what you are surrounded by at a young age. I was always surrounded by people! I was already at a child minders before I was 1 and this daily group had around 10 kids in it. I was exposed to my peers extremely young and therefore was learning social skills and making friends from a young age. My mum had a very large circle of friends as she was a hockey player. All the families would go on tour so at a young age I was part of big groups. I've never actually thought about it before but this is probably linked to how I am as an
adult. I don't dislike being on my own but I prefer being surrounded by people. I have always found it
easy to make friends and would say I was popular throughout school and college. I like being part of a group. A team. I am very close to my friends....many of whom are more like sisters. I also have a very close extended family of aunties, uncles and cousins. As a child I was part of many sports teams, theatre groups....I never remember spending time on my own after school or at weekends. I found this extract interesting....
"In this game there are two players. Each has two choices, namely “cooperate” or “defect.” The game is called the Prisoner’s Dilemma because in its original form two prisoners face the choice of informing on each other (defecting) or remaining silent (cooperating). Each must make the choice without knowing what the other will do. One form of the game pays off as follows:
Player’s Choice
If both players defect:
If both players cooperate:
If one player defects while the other player cooperates:
Both players get $1.
Both players get $3.
The defector gets $5 and the cooperator gets zero.
Both players get $1.
Both players get $3.
The defector gets $5 and the cooperator gets zero.
One can see that no matter what the other player does, defection yields a higher payoff than cooperation. If you think the other player will cooperate, it pays for you to defect (getting $5 rather than $3). On the other hand, if you think the other player will defect, it still pays for you to defect (getting $1 rather than zero). Therefore the temptation is to defect. But, the dilemma is that if both defect, both do worse than if both had cooperated."
I can see how this realates to professional networking and how we approach a networking situation. Both parties must must co operate! Relating this to myself and my work I can see that I could definitely co operate a bit more! I think it is definitely good to be aware of patterns and what works well for you but also not be too restricted to that as different situations require different approaches.
The Affiliation section of the reader definitely made me intrigued to read more. I read 'The Essential Social Psychology' (publication author/editor Crisp, Richard J. and Turner, Rhiannon N.) This made me question if I was an introvert or extrovert and how I feel being on my own and with groups. I would have said I was neither an introvert or extrovert beforehand but obviously I was just picturing the extremes. When reading about the social experiment done on children in orphanages it made me think about the importance of how you are brought up and what you are surrounded by at a young age. I was always surrounded by people! I was already at a child minders before I was 1 and this daily group had around 10 kids in it. I was exposed to my peers extremely young and therefore was learning social skills and making friends from a young age. My mum had a very large circle of friends as she was a hockey player. All the families would go on tour so at a young age I was part of big groups. I've never actually thought about it before but this is probably linked to how I am as an
adult. I don't dislike being on my own but I prefer being surrounded by people. I have always found it
easy to make friends and would say I was popular throughout school and college. I like being part of a group. A team. I am very close to my friends....many of whom are more like sisters. I also have a very close extended family of aunties, uncles and cousins. As a child I was part of many sports teams, theatre groups....I never remember spending time on my own after school or at weekends. I found this extract interesting....
"According to evolutionary psychologists, our tendency to seek out others and
form close relationships is an inherited trait that helps us to survive and repro-
duce by providing us with a network of support that will help us when we are in
Is me having a large close group of friends and family really a subconscious selfish decision? I will give all the support they need as long as they are there for me when I need them? I don't think I am that person. I am always the one my friends come to for advice and support. But then again I do rely on them and expect them to be there for me too. But that's just the rules of friendship isn't it?!
The Social Affiliation model (O'Connor & Rosenblood, 1996) is the "idea that people control their level of contact with others to keep it stable and as close as possible to a desired level." I can relate this to how we professionally network ourselves. Very interesting!
I therefore think I must be an extrovert! I think. This obviously has it's pros and cons. I found an interesting article about the advantages of having an extrovert employee, which also relates to networking and how approachable you are to strangers. This quote particularly stood out for me as it linked to networking:
"Because extroverts are social, they are comfortable with communication and relaying information. They are excellent motivators and work well in teams. The extroverts are the staff members you send to networking events such as seminars and trade shows. Chances are an extrovert will outsell an introvert and he'll be the one to talk a disgruntled customer out of wanting to go to a competitor. Because the extrovert has a wide social circle, your company
likely has a lot of free advertising in the form of casual conversation."
Here is the link for the whole article:
Another article I found: http://brainstormpsychology.blogspot.sg/2013/06/being-extrovert-ups-and-downs.html stated that extroverts are....
- outspoken
- thrive in the company of other people
- constantly seeks new experiences
- easily bored
- drawn to crowds
- generally quite animated
- assertive
- responsive to external stimulus
- opinionated
- can handle social pressure
I am ALL of these! I can also from this list see how some of these can also be disadvantages. Especially when thinking about professionally networking. You don't want to be too opinionated. And being easily bored could be an issue too. I think it comes back to what I said earlier....I enjoy talking about myself and find it easy to sell myself. I need to work on my listening skills though. I easily switch off from a conversation. I've been like it all my life. As a child I needed constant stimulus and was always given jobs by the teachers as I had so much energy. I was quite mischievous and naughty at school. I was usually just bored. Outspoken can also be considered a con. When
networking you don't want to be too outspoken and opinionated when you have just met someone. I find this topic interesting and wonder how much genetics plays in all of this. All my family are extroverts!
I also found it interesting when I read this quote in the reader:
"In a study of 22 countries, Hofstede (1980) found that the more individualistic a country was, the more its members desired affiliation. He argued that in individualistic cultures people develop social relationships in many and varied settings, but these relationships tend not to be
Is me having a large close group of friends and family really a subconscious selfish decision? I will give all the support they need as long as they are there for me when I need them? I don't think I am that person. I am always the one my friends come to for advice and support. But then again I do rely on them and expect them to be there for me too. But that's just the rules of friendship isn't it?!
The Social Affiliation model (O'Connor & Rosenblood, 1996) is the "idea that people control their level of contact with others to keep it stable and as close as possible to a desired level." I can relate this to how we professionally network ourselves. Very interesting!
I therefore think I must be an extrovert! I think. This obviously has it's pros and cons. I found an interesting article about the advantages of having an extrovert employee, which also relates to networking and how approachable you are to strangers. This quote particularly stood out for me as it linked to networking:
"Because extroverts are social, they are comfortable with communication and relaying information. They are excellent motivators and work well in teams. The extroverts are the staff members you send to networking events such as seminars and trade shows. Chances are an extrovert will outsell an introvert and he'll be the one to talk a disgruntled customer out of wanting to go to a competitor. Because the extrovert has a wide social circle, your company
likely has a lot of free advertising in the form of casual conversation."
Here is the link for the whole article:
Another article I found: http://brainstormpsychology.blogspot.sg/2013/06/being-extrovert-ups-and-downs.html stated that extroverts are....
- outspoken
- thrive in the company of other people
- constantly seeks new experiences
- easily bored
- drawn to crowds
- generally quite animated
- assertive
- responsive to external stimulus
- opinionated
- can handle social pressure
I am ALL of these! I can also from this list see how some of these can also be disadvantages. Especially when thinking about professionally networking. You don't want to be too opinionated. And being easily bored could be an issue too. I think it comes back to what I said earlier....I enjoy talking about myself and find it easy to sell myself. I need to work on my listening skills though. I easily switch off from a conversation. I've been like it all my life. As a child I needed constant stimulus and was always given jobs by the teachers as I had so much energy. I was quite mischievous and naughty at school. I was usually just bored. Outspoken can also be considered a con. When
networking you don't want to be too outspoken and opinionated when you have just met someone. I find this topic interesting and wonder how much genetics plays in all of this. All my family are extroverts!
I also found it interesting when I read this quote in the reader:
"In a study of 22 countries, Hofstede (1980) found that the more individualistic a country was, the more its members desired affiliation. He argued that in individualistic cultures people develop social relationships in many and varied settings, but these relationships tend not to be
particularly close. In collectivist cultures, on the other hand,
people develop relatively few, but deep and long-lasting, relationships."
I am from the countryside in the north of England, spent 10 years living in London and now I live in Singapore! I wide variety of different cultures and ways of life to think about! How has that affected how I am in social situations and in relationships?
The theory of connectivity and social constructionism states that through social interaction humans construct meanings of the world and their experiences in it. In networking, we find preferred ways of engaging with a network and decide how much we are willing to put in ourselves as well. The theory of Connectivism provides an explanation about how networks both learn and provide the means for individuals to connect and learn. It suggests that we need to interact so that we can learn and that teaching methods need to be modified. The idea of communities of practice where emphasis is placed on the shared interpretations of the community as opposed to "hierarchical formations of knowledge" is something I see as extremely beneficial. People coming together over shared interests and experiences can bring great benefits. It may also produce learning realised in different forms. Wenger identified a community of practice as existing on three dimensions:
"What it is about - its joint enterprise as understood and continually renegotiated by its members
How it functions - mutual engagement that bind members together into a social entity
What capability it has produced - the shared repertoire of communal resources."
There are so many different areas to now think about with regard to professional networking. I am amazed as I did think this section of the module was going to be quite straight forward for me as I thought I already understood what works and what doesn't. However, I now feel like I had only ever scratched the surface. I was only taking and not putting in. I am an extrovert, which I have never called myself before! I am looking deeper into my surroundings when I was growing up and questioning how those affect ones social connections and networking abilities. I can see the benefits of using different methods when networking and I am now in more of a position to understand what makes a good professional networker. Fascinating stuff! :-)
I am from the countryside in the north of England, spent 10 years living in London and now I live in Singapore! I wide variety of different cultures and ways of life to think about! How has that affected how I am in social situations and in relationships?
The theory of connectivity and social constructionism states that through social interaction humans construct meanings of the world and their experiences in it. In networking, we find preferred ways of engaging with a network and decide how much we are willing to put in ourselves as well. The theory of Connectivism provides an explanation about how networks both learn and provide the means for individuals to connect and learn. It suggests that we need to interact so that we can learn and that teaching methods need to be modified. The idea of communities of practice where emphasis is placed on the shared interpretations of the community as opposed to "hierarchical formations of knowledge" is something I see as extremely beneficial. People coming together over shared interests and experiences can bring great benefits. It may also produce learning realised in different forms. Wenger identified a community of practice as existing on three dimensions:
"What it is about - its joint enterprise as understood and continually renegotiated by its members
How it functions - mutual engagement that bind members together into a social entity
What capability it has produced - the shared repertoire of communal resources."
There are so many different areas to now think about with regard to professional networking. I am amazed as I did think this section of the module was going to be quite straight forward for me as I thought I already understood what works and what doesn't. However, I now feel like I had only ever scratched the surface. I was only taking and not putting in. I am an extrovert, which I have never called myself before! I am looking deeper into my surroundings when I was growing up and questioning how those affect ones social connections and networking abilities. I can see the benefits of using different methods when networking and I am now in more of a position to understand what makes a good professional networker. Fascinating stuff! :-)
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Ethical networking at work
Having researched this I now understand what is meant by ethical networking at work. Generally, being ethical involves conducting yourself in accordance with accepted principles of right and wrong. Ethics is a matter of using integrity based decision making procedures to guide your decisions and actions. In the workplace, being ethical may involve acting morally right, being honest and not cheating your employer or colleagues. Other ethical situations may involve inappropriate use of the internet for outside of work activities or harassment etc.
I then thought about the actual networking part. My initial thought is that this means not networking about subjects not to do with work whilst at work. It is obviously unprofessional to talk about colleagues behind their backs but unfortunately I think this happens to a certain extent in all work places. Being a teacher, I think it would be wrong to talk to parents about rival schools or engage in any conversation that resulted in bad mouthing another company, no matter how much you dislike them or disagree with their actions. This applies when speaking to students too. I have had a situation recently where a child has moved from a different teachers class in to my class as she thought the other teacher was 'boring'....obviously the other teacher doesn't know this is why she moved, she thought it was because she needed to switch days due to other commitments. The student engaged in conversation about this and I immediately changed the subject. However much I agree, I would never talk about another teacher to a student. Nor would I talk to a parent about a different teacher or child's needs in the class other than her own child. I recently saw this great article shared on Facebook by a teacher friend of mine. Please take the time to read it. It basically says everything that a teacher wishes they could say to a complaining parent but ethically it would be wrong.
Here is the link:
I think work can be a brilliant place to network as you are surrounded by people who are in the same career as you. It's a great way to get contacts and help from other working professionals. However, the line must be drawn when it gets to a certain point. I think if you are looking for a new job you are treading on very thin ice by engaging in conversation about it with colleagues. You would have to really trust them. The networking down at work needs to be totally above board. A conversation that you would happily have with your boss. I have never (and would never want to) leave a job on bad terms. If the networking at work is going to aid you in your current job and help broaden your knowledge and contacts then great! Like I said, I always think....ask yourself the question "How would my boss feel about this?" and you'll know straight away whether what you're doing is ethically correct for the workplace.
I then thought about the actual networking part. My initial thought is that this means not networking about subjects not to do with work whilst at work. It is obviously unprofessional to talk about colleagues behind their backs but unfortunately I think this happens to a certain extent in all work places. Being a teacher, I think it would be wrong to talk to parents about rival schools or engage in any conversation that resulted in bad mouthing another company, no matter how much you dislike them or disagree with their actions. This applies when speaking to students too. I have had a situation recently where a child has moved from a different teachers class in to my class as she thought the other teacher was 'boring'....obviously the other teacher doesn't know this is why she moved, she thought it was because she needed to switch days due to other commitments. The student engaged in conversation about this and I immediately changed the subject. However much I agree, I would never talk about another teacher to a student. Nor would I talk to a parent about a different teacher or child's needs in the class other than her own child. I recently saw this great article shared on Facebook by a teacher friend of mine. Please take the time to read it. It basically says everything that a teacher wishes they could say to a complaining parent but ethically it would be wrong.
Here is the link:
I think work can be a brilliant place to network as you are surrounded by people who are in the same career as you. It's a great way to get contacts and help from other working professionals. However, the line must be drawn when it gets to a certain point. I think if you are looking for a new job you are treading on very thin ice by engaging in conversation about it with colleagues. You would have to really trust them. The networking down at work needs to be totally above board. A conversation that you would happily have with your boss. I have never (and would never want to) leave a job on bad terms. If the networking at work is going to aid you in your current job and help broaden your knowledge and contacts then great! Like I said, I always think....ask yourself the question "How would my boss feel about this?" and you'll know straight away whether what you're doing is ethically correct for the workplace.
Professional networks
When I was actively performing around the age of 18-25 I had a abundance of networks. I completely relied on my professional networks to keep up to date with upcoming opportunities. I have always maintained that you can not solely rely on your agent. I definitely worked as if I didn't have an agent and saw them as just an added extra. When they called with an audition I saw it as an added bonus. I think I had this drummed into me at college. I trained professionally for 3 years at Laine Theatre Arts. I loved my time there and loved how much they prepared you for the real world of show business and the reality of what was on store. Discipline was extremely importance there and also the mentality that you have to work very hard to achieve success. We were also trained that many people can strike it lucky and get a job but we should thrive to be professional, hard working individuals that are therefore constantly in employment. We were taught that you have to know what is going on. We used to have tests on it! Who is this director? What is the new show coming into this theatre next year? How do I find information about open calls. With all this knowledge and preparation I was networking throughout my 3rd year even before I graduated. The business is a small one I have found. It's easy to get information but you have to out in the work. I'd say my biggest network when I was a performer was my year group at Laines. We definitely weren't the kind of year to not share information to benefit ourselves. Everyone was so encouraging and supportive to one another. Upcoming job opportunities would regularly be shared amongst friends. Facebook is great for their private group tool as well. Laine Theatre Arts has a Facebook group for graduates which is not only helpful but makes you feel like you're not alone in the scary world of show biz. I also subscribed to The Stage newspaper so would get that delivered weekly. And the more contracts I did, the more my network grew. If I'd just done a show with say 15 new people that's 15 new contacts in the business. I ALWAYS saw my career as a business. Again, college drummed this into me! You are the product of your business....you are a self employed business....you have to network, you have to know what's going on! I would go to opening nights, after show parties....I became a great mingler! I joined Twitter mainly to 'follow' theatre companies, theatres and directors so I could see what opportunities were coming up. For example, if a theatre sends out their yearly 'What's on' guide and you see a certain musical will be there say 9 months from now, and you know it's not been cast yet, you know that you need to find out when the auditions will be as they will be soon!
I would also often go to networking events, especially when I moved to Manchester as I didn't really know anyone. I started acting lessons up there....another network of people. I attended a short film festival....another network of people. I went to LA for pilot season....another network of people. I have a massive network of people in the business but I'm not going to lie, I worked hard. I would often finish work and instead of going home to get some sleep before I started work again I would go to an event. It was extremely exhausting! But I thought that's what you had to do if you wanted to be successful. I understand now looking back that I could have done less and been a bit more picky with who I networked with. I old my hands up that most of the time I networked on a purely selfish basis. What can I gain from this? What will it get me? I laugh at my younger self now but see it was all part of the learning curve. As I started to teach more I joined network groups for teacher. Some great ones on Facebook I used were The Hustle (where actually, lots of different kids of things are posted to do with the business) and Drama teacher UK. I honestly would have been lost without social media. From my experience, that is where I got all my information.
However, now I am a teacher in Singapore. A very different lifestyle. I'm also older so feel like I am mentally in a different head space. My main reason for my career change was because I was tired, fed up, bored of that lifestyle of running around like a headless chicken, always worried about when the next contract would come/how long can I make this money last! I am the happiest I have ever been. I currently don't network at all really. Is this because I am in a job that I love and don't feel the need to? Do we only start networking when we need something? I don't think I've ever looked at it like this but I think I am a very selfish networker. Why don't I network now? Why don't I only feel the need to start networking when I have the need for something. I have a wonderful group of friends in Singapore and I live with my long term partner....we moved out here together. So maybe I'm just content and settled. But why can't I still network when I feel this way? Maybe I should join a team or a club. Create a new network of friends over here in Singapore. From a teachers perspective, I am part of certain teacher networks in the UK....for example web sites where other teachers upload good lesson plans etc. I have also, since starting this degree course, joined Linkedin. I am keen to learn more about this tool as from what my partner tells me (he works in international marketing) it's a fantastic way to network. I wonder if it is for teachers though? At work we network with parents I guess....we also network our school and business at events to drum up interest. I feel I naturally network when I meet new people as I'm genuinely interested in what people do and how they got there. I do think though that when it comes to professional networking I need to work a bit harder at giving back. I am going to make a conscious effort to post information and put myself out there without just thinking about my own personal gain. My brother is very successful in his sports marketing career and he has gained so many experiences because he is so good at networking. But actually, he is the least selfish person. He is just genuinely the loveliest guy therefore people are always willing to go out of their way for him as he does for others. Maybe that's what makes a good networker. Someone who is genuinely not in it for themselves. Or maybe a good networker is only in it for themselves! This topic has definitely raised a lot of questions in my head.
I would also often go to networking events, especially when I moved to Manchester as I didn't really know anyone. I started acting lessons up there....another network of people. I attended a short film festival....another network of people. I went to LA for pilot season....another network of people. I have a massive network of people in the business but I'm not going to lie, I worked hard. I would often finish work and instead of going home to get some sleep before I started work again I would go to an event. It was extremely exhausting! But I thought that's what you had to do if you wanted to be successful. I understand now looking back that I could have done less and been a bit more picky with who I networked with. I old my hands up that most of the time I networked on a purely selfish basis. What can I gain from this? What will it get me? I laugh at my younger self now but see it was all part of the learning curve. As I started to teach more I joined network groups for teacher. Some great ones on Facebook I used were The Hustle (where actually, lots of different kids of things are posted to do with the business) and Drama teacher UK. I honestly would have been lost without social media. From my experience, that is where I got all my information.
However, now I am a teacher in Singapore. A very different lifestyle. I'm also older so feel like I am mentally in a different head space. My main reason for my career change was because I was tired, fed up, bored of that lifestyle of running around like a headless chicken, always worried about when the next contract would come/how long can I make this money last! I am the happiest I have ever been. I currently don't network at all really. Is this because I am in a job that I love and don't feel the need to? Do we only start networking when we need something? I don't think I've ever looked at it like this but I think I am a very selfish networker. Why don't I network now? Why don't I only feel the need to start networking when I have the need for something. I have a wonderful group of friends in Singapore and I live with my long term partner....we moved out here together. So maybe I'm just content and settled. But why can't I still network when I feel this way? Maybe I should join a team or a club. Create a new network of friends over here in Singapore. From a teachers perspective, I am part of certain teacher networks in the UK....for example web sites where other teachers upload good lesson plans etc. I have also, since starting this degree course, joined Linkedin. I am keen to learn more about this tool as from what my partner tells me (he works in international marketing) it's a fantastic way to network. I wonder if it is for teachers though? At work we network with parents I guess....we also network our school and business at events to drum up interest. I feel I naturally network when I meet new people as I'm genuinely interested in what people do and how they got there. I do think though that when it comes to professional networking I need to work a bit harder at giving back. I am going to make a conscious effort to post information and put myself out there without just thinking about my own personal gain. My brother is very successful in his sports marketing career and he has gained so many experiences because he is so good at networking. But actually, he is the least selfish person. He is just genuinely the loveliest guy therefore people are always willing to go out of their way for him as he does for others. Maybe that's what makes a good networker. Someone who is genuinely not in it for themselves. Or maybe a good networker is only in it for themselves! This topic has definitely raised a lot of questions in my head.
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Inquiry task
Having focused on different reflective practices I understand that it is now important to look inward at how the ideas of reflection relate to me and my work. I have looked at the questions in the handbook and here are my responses:
- I am very enthusiastic about drama and theatre benefitting all and that it teaches many key life skills. For me, performance is just a small part of it. I feel drama builds confidence, public speaking, improvisation (often in life we are put on the spot in interviews for example), social skills, projection of the voice, diction, the drama games I play help with creativity and also introducing a competitive element. Rejection, failure....I could go on. I am passionate that all these skills help in whatever career you go in to. I love hearing parents feedback about how since they have started my class they have seen such an improvement in school and at home. Knowing that I have made a difference to their child's life and that they are learning skills that they will use for the rest of their lives means the world to me. I have many examples of children I teach. Two spring to mind straight away. I teach a boy who, when he came to me, was extremely shy and inward. I later found out that he was being bullied at school. His mum had just moved him to a different school and decided he should start drama to help with his social skills. Fast forward 3 months and he is a different child. I actually get quite emotional talking about it. He is an absolute chatterbox, has amazing supportive friends in his class who adore him and he recently had a big solo in our production. His parents could not believe it. I am passionate about having a safe environment where kids can come and be and do whatever they feel without judgement. One parent even said to me just last week that her daughter counts down the days to her next class as she loves it so much. School is so intense she said it's her one lesson a week where she can just let go. Again, that means the world to me. I teach another young boy speech and drama. When he first started it was clear why his parents were concerned. He is super intelligent but would rarely speak. His body language was clear. Also his diction was incredibly poor compared to his peers. In this day and age, intelligence is not enough. Universities want more extra curricular activities, businesses want stand out, confident employees. I have been teaching him for 3 months. Month 1 he was given a poem to read out loud. I knew he could read it as his English levels are above his peers. But he just stood, looking absolutely terrified, muttering the words under his breath. 3 months later and I taught him yesterday. It's been a long journey but he stood up and was almost shouting his poem for his exam! He was laughing throughout, he made his classmates laugh too and they all cheered when he finished! These boys are only 8 years old. I could have cried! He doesn't want to be an actor, has no desire whatsoever, but through drama he has learnt these life skills. I admire my fellow colleugues as I work in a very unique place. Two inparticular are always full of energy and enthusiasm, however they are feeling personally it never affects their class. I love this about them and strive to be like that.
- I get frustrated and angry when parents are rude and inconsiderate. They often have no idea what they are talking about but are just looking for someone to blame. Everyone at my work shares this feeling. Parents who just want their child to be the main part in a production and don't understand that maybe I have given them the smaller comedy part because this is an area they love and really excel at....and I feel they can steal the show with their characterisation. Parents often just count the number of lines and compare parts based on that. I aim to challenge my kids during productions so I'm not going to give them a part that is really easy for them. Parents always bring up as well that they are paying the same amount as others so they should have the same amount of lines. I also can't stand rude children. Manners cost nothing. I teach quite a few extremely rude children and unfortunately I let my personal feelings take over when it comes to this topic. I had manners drummed into me as a kid and I try to do the same for the ones I teach. Often they are a product of their parents....you meet their mum and understand exactly why they are the way they are. I find that there is no excuse for it though. I also get very frustrated with our contact system at work. We don't have our own email address which means everything is sent to the school email address then filtered into our inboxes.
This wastes so much time. If a parent replies to me about something urgent I won't even see the
message until the admin office have seen it and then forwarded it to me. You can also only view your work emails on the 6 computers in the office. I understand that they are wanting us to enjoy our days off and not do work at home, but sometimes it's good to have a heads up on something before you bump into the parent!
- I love....creating, directing, performance, challenging the children, pushing them out of their comfort zones, teaching them life skills, having the freedom to go off task and be creative. I love seeing the children I teach improve. It's so rewarding. Everyone at work is very passionate about their job which means it's a very creative, positive environment.
- I found the "I don't understand" question difficult, as I didn't know whether it was something I don't understand at work or to do with my career. Something that does play on my mind and that I don't understand is whether or not I can teach creative drama and drama therapy without training for three years to be a drama therapist. It's hard as there is nothing like where I work in the UK. The place I currently work was set up in Singapore 20 years ago by an English couple who were professional actors. There wasn't much theatre and drama classes in Singapore at that time (there still isn't....we are the main school) so it was quite easy to establish with very little competition. With a mass amount of expat kids, it took off quickly. They also made friends in Singapore and one in particular was a child phycologist. This was then the link that provided a connection between her practice and the school. She refers kids who she thinks with benefit from drama lessons to help with their social skills. Teachers are aware of who these children are but they aren't put in a special class. They are then reviewed and feedback is given to the phycologist. This is an area I would love to work in but struggle to see how it would work in the UK where laws are a lot stricter. I need to ask my boss some questions and also do some research into schools like this in the UK. I would like my own school in the future so this is a big topic of discussion for me.
- Ethical responses....it has been very interesting moving from the UK to Singapore. The rules here in
Singapore are very loose. I was surprised. A few examples....they are not strict at all about knowing
who has picked the child up from class. In the UK there is often a list that the teacher has and only people on that list can pick the child up. If someone different is picking them up they have to call in advance to let the teacher know. Here friends, aunties, nannies, friends dads pick them up and it's not even questioned.
We recently did a show and I was quite taken a back that the girls and boys got changed in the same dressing room. Again, not acceptable in the UK.
I learned very quickly that certain words here are considered swearing. "Stupid" is literally a crime to say! I had a situation where I told the kids they needed to act really silly and stupid for a particular character in the play we were doing. They all just stopped and went quiet, then one informed me that I had just sworn.
I teach expat kids who are very well travelled and culturally very diverse. It would not be unusual for me to have a class of 12 that were all born in a different country. This is very different to the UK so you have to be very aware of different religions and beliefs.
We don't give out our personal email addresses and phone numbers and I agree with that. I recently went to the physio and he gave me his phone number and we have been whatsapping about my physio exercises. Obviously, that would never happen as a teacher. Comparing when I taught in a mainstream school to being a drama and dance teacher, I notice a few differences. We are more free to touch the kids arms, legs, tummies during a dance class. This is totally acceptable as it's helping them. Same as a gymnastics teacher or sports teacher I guess. This would not be done in a mainstream school. Also, during shows we often have to do quick changes where the children are totally naked. Again, as dance teachers we don't even question this but I understand how other teachers might find this a bit weird.
Facebook is a no go and I totally agree with this. I don't want my kids knowing anything about my private life. I never even engage in conversation when they ask if I have a boyfriend. To me, it is totally inappropriate and unnecessary. I feel strongly about this but I have noticed since moving to Singapore that some of the teachers who teach the older ones do have a close relationship with their
kids. They will whatsapp, even meet up for dinner outside work or go shopping. Again, I find this inappropriate. But maybe that's just because I've come from the UK so have had that drilled into me! Also, you shouldn't be friends with parents either. I believe in keeping it professional. Bad mouthing other teachers in front of your class is also a big no no for me! I would never even bad mouth their teacher at school who I have never met. It's unprofessional.
I also see that one of the questions is "Who inspires me?" No question....my mum. She was a primary school head teacher and I have learnt a lot from her experiences. She used to get sent to failing schools in underprivileged areas and turn them around. She is such an inspiration.
Looking at all this information and thinking about different inquiries I have come to a few conclusions and questions....
- The fear of failure in high achieving wealthy children - why do they become less open as they get older?
- I am passionate about inclusion for all when it comes to drama. Can I open a school in the future that caters for the keen performer but also have links to child phycologists that can refer children to my school for creative drama lessons? Or am I not qualified to do that?
- I really think kids imaginations are inspiring. I've always wanted to write a children's book. Could I create a book with my students and have it published?
- I'm interested in the pressures of Gen Y and what we can do to resolve this problem and the struggles they are having.
- I find the differences between the Asian school system compared to the UK very different but interesting. Could I create a connection between the school I work for in Singapore and a school in the UK. Would it work? Or are the kids too different.
- I teach once a week at a special needs school. The children have autism and ADHD. There has never been any talk about them doing a production. Many of them are high achieving and extremely creative. Why can't they put on a show? Why do we expect the standard to be lower just because they have learning difficulties. They shouldn't be seen as less capable. Could I do a full scale production with them?
So many questions and thoughts! I've really enjoyed reflecting on myself and my work. I'm very excited for what the next year has to bring!
- I am very enthusiastic about drama and theatre benefitting all and that it teaches many key life skills. For me, performance is just a small part of it. I feel drama builds confidence, public speaking, improvisation (often in life we are put on the spot in interviews for example), social skills, projection of the voice, diction, the drama games I play help with creativity and also introducing a competitive element. Rejection, failure....I could go on. I am passionate that all these skills help in whatever career you go in to. I love hearing parents feedback about how since they have started my class they have seen such an improvement in school and at home. Knowing that I have made a difference to their child's life and that they are learning skills that they will use for the rest of their lives means the world to me. I have many examples of children I teach. Two spring to mind straight away. I teach a boy who, when he came to me, was extremely shy and inward. I later found out that he was being bullied at school. His mum had just moved him to a different school and decided he should start drama to help with his social skills. Fast forward 3 months and he is a different child. I actually get quite emotional talking about it. He is an absolute chatterbox, has amazing supportive friends in his class who adore him and he recently had a big solo in our production. His parents could not believe it. I am passionate about having a safe environment where kids can come and be and do whatever they feel without judgement. One parent even said to me just last week that her daughter counts down the days to her next class as she loves it so much. School is so intense she said it's her one lesson a week where she can just let go. Again, that means the world to me. I teach another young boy speech and drama. When he first started it was clear why his parents were concerned. He is super intelligent but would rarely speak. His body language was clear. Also his diction was incredibly poor compared to his peers. In this day and age, intelligence is not enough. Universities want more extra curricular activities, businesses want stand out, confident employees. I have been teaching him for 3 months. Month 1 he was given a poem to read out loud. I knew he could read it as his English levels are above his peers. But he just stood, looking absolutely terrified, muttering the words under his breath. 3 months later and I taught him yesterday. It's been a long journey but he stood up and was almost shouting his poem for his exam! He was laughing throughout, he made his classmates laugh too and they all cheered when he finished! These boys are only 8 years old. I could have cried! He doesn't want to be an actor, has no desire whatsoever, but through drama he has learnt these life skills. I admire my fellow colleugues as I work in a very unique place. Two inparticular are always full of energy and enthusiasm, however they are feeling personally it never affects their class. I love this about them and strive to be like that.
- I get frustrated and angry when parents are rude and inconsiderate. They often have no idea what they are talking about but are just looking for someone to blame. Everyone at my work shares this feeling. Parents who just want their child to be the main part in a production and don't understand that maybe I have given them the smaller comedy part because this is an area they love and really excel at....and I feel they can steal the show with their characterisation. Parents often just count the number of lines and compare parts based on that. I aim to challenge my kids during productions so I'm not going to give them a part that is really easy for them. Parents always bring up as well that they are paying the same amount as others so they should have the same amount of lines. I also can't stand rude children. Manners cost nothing. I teach quite a few extremely rude children and unfortunately I let my personal feelings take over when it comes to this topic. I had manners drummed into me as a kid and I try to do the same for the ones I teach. Often they are a product of their parents....you meet their mum and understand exactly why they are the way they are. I find that there is no excuse for it though. I also get very frustrated with our contact system at work. We don't have our own email address which means everything is sent to the school email address then filtered into our inboxes.
This wastes so much time. If a parent replies to me about something urgent I won't even see the
message until the admin office have seen it and then forwarded it to me. You can also only view your work emails on the 6 computers in the office. I understand that they are wanting us to enjoy our days off and not do work at home, but sometimes it's good to have a heads up on something before you bump into the parent!
- I love....creating, directing, performance, challenging the children, pushing them out of their comfort zones, teaching them life skills, having the freedom to go off task and be creative. I love seeing the children I teach improve. It's so rewarding. Everyone at work is very passionate about their job which means it's a very creative, positive environment.
- I found the "I don't understand" question difficult, as I didn't know whether it was something I don't understand at work or to do with my career. Something that does play on my mind and that I don't understand is whether or not I can teach creative drama and drama therapy without training for three years to be a drama therapist. It's hard as there is nothing like where I work in the UK. The place I currently work was set up in Singapore 20 years ago by an English couple who were professional actors. There wasn't much theatre and drama classes in Singapore at that time (there still isn't....we are the main school) so it was quite easy to establish with very little competition. With a mass amount of expat kids, it took off quickly. They also made friends in Singapore and one in particular was a child phycologist. This was then the link that provided a connection between her practice and the school. She refers kids who she thinks with benefit from drama lessons to help with their social skills. Teachers are aware of who these children are but they aren't put in a special class. They are then reviewed and feedback is given to the phycologist. This is an area I would love to work in but struggle to see how it would work in the UK where laws are a lot stricter. I need to ask my boss some questions and also do some research into schools like this in the UK. I would like my own school in the future so this is a big topic of discussion for me.
- Ethical responses....it has been very interesting moving from the UK to Singapore. The rules here in
Singapore are very loose. I was surprised. A few examples....they are not strict at all about knowing
who has picked the child up from class. In the UK there is often a list that the teacher has and only people on that list can pick the child up. If someone different is picking them up they have to call in advance to let the teacher know. Here friends, aunties, nannies, friends dads pick them up and it's not even questioned.
We recently did a show and I was quite taken a back that the girls and boys got changed in the same dressing room. Again, not acceptable in the UK.
I learned very quickly that certain words here are considered swearing. "Stupid" is literally a crime to say! I had a situation where I told the kids they needed to act really silly and stupid for a particular character in the play we were doing. They all just stopped and went quiet, then one informed me that I had just sworn.
I teach expat kids who are very well travelled and culturally very diverse. It would not be unusual for me to have a class of 12 that were all born in a different country. This is very different to the UK so you have to be very aware of different religions and beliefs.
We don't give out our personal email addresses and phone numbers and I agree with that. I recently went to the physio and he gave me his phone number and we have been whatsapping about my physio exercises. Obviously, that would never happen as a teacher. Comparing when I taught in a mainstream school to being a drama and dance teacher, I notice a few differences. We are more free to touch the kids arms, legs, tummies during a dance class. This is totally acceptable as it's helping them. Same as a gymnastics teacher or sports teacher I guess. This would not be done in a mainstream school. Also, during shows we often have to do quick changes where the children are totally naked. Again, as dance teachers we don't even question this but I understand how other teachers might find this a bit weird.
Facebook is a no go and I totally agree with this. I don't want my kids knowing anything about my private life. I never even engage in conversation when they ask if I have a boyfriend. To me, it is totally inappropriate and unnecessary. I feel strongly about this but I have noticed since moving to Singapore that some of the teachers who teach the older ones do have a close relationship with their
kids. They will whatsapp, even meet up for dinner outside work or go shopping. Again, I find this inappropriate. But maybe that's just because I've come from the UK so have had that drilled into me! Also, you shouldn't be friends with parents either. I believe in keeping it professional. Bad mouthing other teachers in front of your class is also a big no no for me! I would never even bad mouth their teacher at school who I have never met. It's unprofessional.
I also see that one of the questions is "Who inspires me?" No question....my mum. She was a primary school head teacher and I have learnt a lot from her experiences. She used to get sent to failing schools in underprivileged areas and turn them around. She is such an inspiration.
Looking at all this information and thinking about different inquiries I have come to a few conclusions and questions....
- The fear of failure in high achieving wealthy children - why do they become less open as they get older?
- I am passionate about inclusion for all when it comes to drama. Can I open a school in the future that caters for the keen performer but also have links to child phycologists that can refer children to my school for creative drama lessons? Or am I not qualified to do that?
- I really think kids imaginations are inspiring. I've always wanted to write a children's book. Could I create a book with my students and have it published?
- I'm interested in the pressures of Gen Y and what we can do to resolve this problem and the struggles they are having.
- I find the differences between the Asian school system compared to the UK very different but interesting. Could I create a connection between the school I work for in Singapore and a school in the UK. Would it work? Or are the kids too different.
- I teach once a week at a special needs school. The children have autism and ADHD. There has never been any talk about them doing a production. Many of them are high achieving and extremely creative. Why can't they put on a show? Why do we expect the standard to be lower just because they have learning difficulties. They shouldn't be seen as less capable. Could I do a full scale production with them?
So many questions and thoughts! I've really enjoyed reflecting on myself and my work. I'm very excited for what the next year has to bring!
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
My critical reflection
I have found it interesting to read about all the different methods and existing practices for the reflective process. These simple tools will really help me with issues that come up at work. I was obviously reflecting in my own way before but now this gives me a clearer picture of how to resolve a problem. It's a fantastic guide to help even the smallest of issues. I was interested to also read other peoples blogs and found the spiral steps of Kurt Lewin extremely interesting as a teacher. The PLAN, ACT, OBSERVE, REFLECT is what I do daily. I plan my lessons, act out these plans, observe how it went and reflect on what went well and what could be improved for next time. I always question why something didn't work. I always tailor my classes to the children in them....even if I'm teaching the same course to the same age, they are all so different in personality, class dynamics and learning style. There is of course arguments against all the practices I have mentioned in my blog. Many say Kolb's methods are now out dated in our digital world. And that we work more creatively when in a team instead of individually. Another major critique is that the cycle could be performed in any order, stages can be bypassed or even repeated. In my opinion, I believe that looking into all methods can only benefit your overall judgement. Isn't is about picking and choosing what suits you best? Isn't reflection about finding the tools that work best for you? What get you the best results? We can use many existing practices and tools but it's also important to do what is right for you. I've learnt that at my work we definitely don't do any team reflection. Maybe this is something I could introduce at a meeting. We are a small team and I think it would be a valuable tool. I feel this task has been extremely useful for personal situations and also work related issues.
Reflective theory....
I have thoroughly enjoyed the reflective section of the course so far. However, I have just been looking at my own experience and thoughts so now it's time to research in to existing tools and practices for reflection.
Some great descriptions I found when asking "What is reflection?"
“Reflection is part of learning and thinking. We reflect in order to learn something, or we learn as a result of reflecting, and the term 'reflective learning' emphasises the intention to learn from current or prior experience” (Moon 2004).
I am a drama and musical theatre teacher in Singapore. Every Friday morning I teach creative drama at a special needs school. All the children are physically able, it's social skills that they struggle with. An incident occurred last week where one of my children wasn't allowed to take part due to his behaviour the week before. I am the teacher for that lesson but this wasn't my decision. Yes he had a difficult week before but he is just struggling to engage in drama. He really dislikes it, finds it hard to focus, can't listen to instructions and wants to just run around the whole lesson. He has a lot of energy. However, I would never want him to sit out and not take part. He wasn't being rude or
aggressive or naughty, he just learns in a different way and may take more time than his peers to trust a new person. Drama should be about inclusion for all. So, using Gibbs reflective cycle I have just described what happened. Step 2 - my feelings and thoughts on the matter. I felt angry that I wasn't given the heads up about the decision before class, frustrated that the class teacher did the
disciplining even though he has never been present for a lesson and doesn't know my style of
teaching. Upset for the child as he now believes he has done something wrong and is confused.
Embarrassed that I have to teach the lesson with him just sat in the corner watching....Step 3 - Evaluation of the experience....I struggle to find good regarding the situation but I guess it's good that the teacher was aware of his behaviour and wanted to act to try and help the child understand but it was handled very badly. Step 4 - Analysis....I can also see that the other students in the class are affected by the decision and may now also be confused about what the boundaries are. They may not be slightly more cautious in my lesson which is exactly what I don't want in creative drama. I can see that the teacher thought they were doing the best for the child. I can see how much I care about every single child I teach, even though I teach over 100 a week. It really got to me. Step 5 -
Conclusion....what else could I have done? In that moment, nothing. I could have just told him to join in anyway and ignore his teacher but that would have been highly unprofessional and I believe that going against another adults decision is very confusing for a child. He also was just doing what he was told. I could have spoken to the teacher after the lesson when he came to collect them but I didn't want to chat in front of the kids. Step 6 - Action plan....I sent an email to the deputy head as soon as I
got back to work. I know her well so felt I could be honest with her. Together we created an action plan to help engage the child more and I also asked if communication could be better. I feel positive about the outcome. So, without even realising, I have actually found that as a teacher I use these kind of techniques multiple times a day without realising. I could give many examples.
When I first saw Kolb's cycle I immediately thought it looked complicated at first glance. However, the part explaining each section is actually very simple and very similar to Gibbs. What happened? How did you feel? What is your conclusion of what you learnt? What's your plan to resolve the matter?
Here is Kolb's Cycle:
Again, I thought of an example at work that I could use. However this time I thought if use something that hasn't yet been resolved and use Kolb's cycle to try and help me figure out a solution to the issue.
I teach speech and drama to a boy of 7. He is in a class with 3 other peers. Over the last few weeks his behaviour has deteriorated and he is becoming extremely difficult to teach. He finds it very challenging to follow instructions, he doesn't listen and he constantly runs around the room when he should be sat focused with the others. It has got to the point where it is really affecting the other boys learning and I feel I am constantly just trying to get him to sit down and on task all class. I feel like I am slightly deflecting the others and he is my main focus. When he isn't in class we get lots more done and the boys are not distracted at all. I really don't want it to get to the stage where he can't take part anymore or has to move classes. I really want to find a solution. Using Kolb's cycle I have come up with a plan. I find the word 'concrete' for the first step quite strange but understand the concept of breaking the problem down and starting off with the experience. I have stated above what this is. My reflection and review is mixed. A small part of me finds him incredibly irritating, annoying, frustrating, difficult....however, a big part of me wants him to engage, to love coming to drama, to excel in his exam and to build confidence. I would never give up on a child. When I read the step of 'What have you learnt' it all made sense. Why have I not been asking myself this question when a problem arises at work? I've totally skipped this step. I see the problem and I want an action plan to get a solution. But very often we can't work out that solution if we haven't taken. Step back and looked at ourselves as as well. In this scenario, when I thought about what I have learnt, it became clear. I have learnt that this child needs to learn in a different way. That it is ok for me to go off lesson plan with him and find different ways to engage him. That if he wants to run around let's create a drama game that involves running around. Therefore my plan to resolve the matter is this. Firstly I will speak to his mum. I only work at this school once a week so have never met the parents. I want her to be aware of the situation but also she may be able to help as well by sharing information about his likes and dislikes. I need to create a lesson plan that is high energy with lots of fun drama games where he is still learning but it feels like a game to him. I need to BE MORE PATIENT and see it as a challenge instead of n annoyance. It has also made me think about the importance of exposing drama and theatre to the young. For many, they will never pursue it as a career but it's key that we make their experience of theatre and drama and fun and memorable one. My boss is always saying that....we want them to love the arts and support the arts for the future. I feel so much better about this situation now and am actually quite excited to teach him next! I really need to use this technique more as I can really see in benefiting my work.
Some great descriptions I found when asking "What is reflection?"
“Reflection is part of learning and thinking. We reflect in order to learn something, or we learn as a result of reflecting, and the term 'reflective learning' emphasises the intention to learn from current or prior experience” (Moon 2004).
"It's power lies in being able to help you develop your understanding of the way you learn, the subjects you are studying and define your long term goals. It can help to promote critical thinking and problem solving skills, both of which are key to academic success. But it has further uses that relate to life skills: it is an essential part of personal development and prepares you for the world of work, encouraging you to develop the habit of analysing your actions or events and considering the consequences." (Gillette, Hammond and Martala 2009)
From my research I also found that reflection does not need to just be in the written form. You can also have a conversation with a friend, tutor or mentor. But we favour writing it down as usually feel we can be more honest and therefore discover more. I agree with this but sometimes I do think you can learn from hearing other peoples opinions too. Reflection can often be seen as a cycle. This works well as you can come back to it when different situations or goals come up.
When researching, I found Dewey's methods of reflection quite difficult to understand. I found Gibbs was an extremely popular Reflection Cycle on the internet. I always find it interesting to see what comes up first on google and what method is talked about the most. It immediately subconsciously makes you think it's the best way....maybe it's just the page that has been viewed the most....how many times do we just go with the top few hits on Google when incredible information could be out there that we bypass.
Here is Gibbs cycle:
I LOVE this and could really see myself using this at work. If a situation occurs at work I think it's really important to break down the problem. I never used to do this....I would just see the big picture and see it as a big overwhelming issue. Breaking it down helps to resolve what has happened. I had a think about something that happened at work last week that I could share then use Gibbs cycle to
Here is Gibbs cycle:
I LOVE this and could really see myself using this at work. If a situation occurs at work I think it's really important to break down the problem. I never used to do this....I would just see the big picture and see it as a big overwhelming issue. Breaking it down helps to resolve what has happened. I had a think about something that happened at work last week that I could share then use Gibbs cycle to
I am a drama and musical theatre teacher in Singapore. Every Friday morning I teach creative drama at a special needs school. All the children are physically able, it's social skills that they struggle with. An incident occurred last week where one of my children wasn't allowed to take part due to his behaviour the week before. I am the teacher for that lesson but this wasn't my decision. Yes he had a difficult week before but he is just struggling to engage in drama. He really dislikes it, finds it hard to focus, can't listen to instructions and wants to just run around the whole lesson. He has a lot of energy. However, I would never want him to sit out and not take part. He wasn't being rude or
aggressive or naughty, he just learns in a different way and may take more time than his peers to trust a new person. Drama should be about inclusion for all. So, using Gibbs reflective cycle I have just described what happened. Step 2 - my feelings and thoughts on the matter. I felt angry that I wasn't given the heads up about the decision before class, frustrated that the class teacher did the
disciplining even though he has never been present for a lesson and doesn't know my style of
teaching. Upset for the child as he now believes he has done something wrong and is confused.
Embarrassed that I have to teach the lesson with him just sat in the corner watching....Step 3 - Evaluation of the experience....I struggle to find good regarding the situation but I guess it's good that the teacher was aware of his behaviour and wanted to act to try and help the child understand but it was handled very badly. Step 4 - Analysis....I can also see that the other students in the class are affected by the decision and may now also be confused about what the boundaries are. They may not be slightly more cautious in my lesson which is exactly what I don't want in creative drama. I can see that the teacher thought they were doing the best for the child. I can see how much I care about every single child I teach, even though I teach over 100 a week. It really got to me. Step 5 -
Conclusion....what else could I have done? In that moment, nothing. I could have just told him to join in anyway and ignore his teacher but that would have been highly unprofessional and I believe that going against another adults decision is very confusing for a child. He also was just doing what he was told. I could have spoken to the teacher after the lesson when he came to collect them but I didn't want to chat in front of the kids. Step 6 - Action plan....I sent an email to the deputy head as soon as I
got back to work. I know her well so felt I could be honest with her. Together we created an action plan to help engage the child more and I also asked if communication could be better. I feel positive about the outcome. So, without even realising, I have actually found that as a teacher I use these kind of techniques multiple times a day without realising. I could give many examples.
When I first saw Kolb's cycle I immediately thought it looked complicated at first glance. However, the part explaining each section is actually very simple and very similar to Gibbs. What happened? How did you feel? What is your conclusion of what you learnt? What's your plan to resolve the matter?
Here is Kolb's Cycle:
Again, I thought of an example at work that I could use. However this time I thought if use something that hasn't yet been resolved and use Kolb's cycle to try and help me figure out a solution to the issue.
I teach speech and drama to a boy of 7. He is in a class with 3 other peers. Over the last few weeks his behaviour has deteriorated and he is becoming extremely difficult to teach. He finds it very challenging to follow instructions, he doesn't listen and he constantly runs around the room when he should be sat focused with the others. It has got to the point where it is really affecting the other boys learning and I feel I am constantly just trying to get him to sit down and on task all class. I feel like I am slightly deflecting the others and he is my main focus. When he isn't in class we get lots more done and the boys are not distracted at all. I really don't want it to get to the stage where he can't take part anymore or has to move classes. I really want to find a solution. Using Kolb's cycle I have come up with a plan. I find the word 'concrete' for the first step quite strange but understand the concept of breaking the problem down and starting off with the experience. I have stated above what this is. My reflection and review is mixed. A small part of me finds him incredibly irritating, annoying, frustrating, difficult....however, a big part of me wants him to engage, to love coming to drama, to excel in his exam and to build confidence. I would never give up on a child. When I read the step of 'What have you learnt' it all made sense. Why have I not been asking myself this question when a problem arises at work? I've totally skipped this step. I see the problem and I want an action plan to get a solution. But very often we can't work out that solution if we haven't taken. Step back and looked at ourselves as as well. In this scenario, when I thought about what I have learnt, it became clear. I have learnt that this child needs to learn in a different way. That it is ok for me to go off lesson plan with him and find different ways to engage him. That if he wants to run around let's create a drama game that involves running around. Therefore my plan to resolve the matter is this. Firstly I will speak to his mum. I only work at this school once a week so have never met the parents. I want her to be aware of the situation but also she may be able to help as well by sharing information about his likes and dislikes. I need to create a lesson plan that is high energy with lots of fun drama games where he is still learning but it feels like a game to him. I need to BE MORE PATIENT and see it as a challenge instead of n annoyance. It has also made me think about the importance of exposing drama and theatre to the young. For many, they will never pursue it as a career but it's key that we make their experience of theatre and drama and fun and memorable one. My boss is always saying that....we want them to love the arts and support the arts for the future. I feel so much better about this situation now and am actually quite excited to teach him next! I really need to use this technique more as I can really see in benefiting my work.
Saturday, 28 November 2015
Different ways of blogging - Review
I spent 7 days in a row trying out all the different ways to blog suggested in the handbook. These are: Description, Initial Reflection, List, Evaluation, Graphs, Charts and Diagrams, What if? and Another view.
I found it so interesting to blog in these different ways. Here is my review of each technique:
1. Description - I definitely have experience of blogging this way. I used to always write descriptive diary entries of events from the day when I was younger. I found it easy to recall and describe the day but I went into so much detail it ended up being a very long entry! I found it difficult to not go into detail about how I felt. I can now clearly see why this was a technique I used when I was around 8-10 years old. Before I became a teenager and more aware of thoughts and feelings. However, the entry felt very precise and really made me think about the entire day. A very thorough account.
2. Initial reflection - I loved this one! I definitely have used this way before when travelling. Again, I ended up writing so much! It felt good for me personally. I enjoyed recalling how I felt instead of just documenting events. It was a particularly testing start to the day but ended well so it was great to reflect on that before bed. It really made me think about appreciation and gratitude. A lot of the things I mentioned in this entry seem very small things but actually that's what made the day great! I need to do this more often....appreciate the small things and take pride in my achievements instead of always thinking what wasn't achieved in the day.
3. List - I was SO grateful when I sat down before bed and I saw it was 'List'.... I felt absolutely exhausted and couldn't face having to write pages and pages like the previous nights! I just wanted my bed! I started by just doing a bullet point of the events of the day. I then made sub headings that said: Felt....
Glad I....
I found this really helpful. A really quick overview of the day. Great when you want to reflect but don't feel you have time. Interestingly I found the 'Felt' really calming. I liked recalling my feelings throughout the day and seeing the emotional journey I went on. It gave me confidence that things can turn around in a day and you can always pick your mood up. 'Glad I' made me instantly feel positive! I have used gratitude lists before and used to do them every night before bed. I should start that again. It's so easy to focus on what when wrong when you're a perfectionist like me! The handbook stated to also include 'Things people should remember about you'...I couldn't think of anything to write for this. I found it quite a selfish topic.
4. Evaluation - For this I had three headings....'What went well'....'What I learnt'....'Things to avoid'....
Again, I naturally just focused on the small things like "The sun was shining" which made me feel very grateful and positive. My 'What I learnt' section was huge! I had a particularly challenging day with parents. One I'd like to share was "Little deeds are appreciated and don't go un noticed" :-)
My things to avoid included "Don't rely on the interest for your lesson" as there was a thunderstorm and we lost internet connection so I had to quickly improvise my lesson plan. Also, which I thought was interesting "Letting personal feelings towards a kids behaviour and how they have been brought up effect the way you teach them"....I can't stand rude kids but I need to be more patient. Most of the time you meet the parent and then realise why their child is so rude. They are a product of a product. I need to work on that though.
5. Graphs, Charts and Diagrams - SO difficult! I had to Google 'My life in graphs, a guided journal' as I didn't have a clue what to do! I found it really hard to reflect on my day using this technique....I ended up enjoying the pie chart graph. I had three sections: Diversions, What makes me happy, and My job. My major diversion at the minute living in Singapore is the sunshine! I don't get much time off work so when I do I just want to lie in the sun all day! Which is extremely unproductive! Another is FaceTime. Living abroad means a lot of time is spent catching up with family and friends in the UK (which is often when I get home from work into my late evenings due to the time difference)....for 'My Job' I thought about the key elements to make me successful at my job. These included: Multi tasker, confidence, quick thinker, energetic and willing to work unpaid overtime! It was great to reflect on my job and my happiness and also distractions. From not knowing what to do I actually enjoyed it. And some of the books I found on Google look great!
6. What if? - I ended up feeling really grateful after this entry. My mind did go into overdrive though! There were certain scenarios during the day that made me feel better though by using this technique. For example: a mother was very annoyed at me as she got the wrong venue for the rehearsal and ended up being late and having to drive around a lot. However, I had tried to call her all morning and the evening before to tell her the change of venue. I also left text and answer phone messages. We even emailed. All the other parents got the message. So my 'What if' was "If (kids name) mother had answered her phone then she wouldn't have been so angry. I also could have done a few things better that day so it was good to reflect on that too and learn from it.
7. Another view - SO strange but entertaining! I chose a few people from work and wrote about what I think they thought of me from my comments and discussions that day. It was really strange to actually put myself in their shoes but also interesting. I then did as the handbook suggested and pretended I was an object. I chose my bottle of water. I have a real thing for hygiene and was convinced one of the kids had had a sip of my water (deep down I knew they probably hadn't though)....I wrote what my water bottle was probably thinking...."No one else touched me! Just drink me you fool! You're going to get a headache soon as you're so dehydrated!"
I found this way of journal writing really random but fun!
In conclusion, I really enjoyed exploring the different ways to journal....many of which I wasn't aware of. I particularly liked 'Initial Reflection' as I found it easy and enjoyable. Also it really made me think about my feelings, which personally I know I need to do more of. I didn't particularly like the 'Another View' method but I can appreciate why it is helpful. I surprised myself with the graphs as I would never think to do that. But I am a visual learner so it makes sense that I found that useful. It's probably good to do that every few months on the same topics and compare them to see what has changed.
I am so glad I took the time to do this as I've found it incredibly helpful and also encouraging that I can document in so many different ways. I have also learnt that there is ALWAYS time to do it. You don't have to write pages and pages, whatever your mood that evening you can pick and chose what style you feel like writing in. This is something I am definitely going to continue with.
I found it so interesting to blog in these different ways. Here is my review of each technique:
1. Description - I definitely have experience of blogging this way. I used to always write descriptive diary entries of events from the day when I was younger. I found it easy to recall and describe the day but I went into so much detail it ended up being a very long entry! I found it difficult to not go into detail about how I felt. I can now clearly see why this was a technique I used when I was around 8-10 years old. Before I became a teenager and more aware of thoughts and feelings. However, the entry felt very precise and really made me think about the entire day. A very thorough account.
2. Initial reflection - I loved this one! I definitely have used this way before when travelling. Again, I ended up writing so much! It felt good for me personally. I enjoyed recalling how I felt instead of just documenting events. It was a particularly testing start to the day but ended well so it was great to reflect on that before bed. It really made me think about appreciation and gratitude. A lot of the things I mentioned in this entry seem very small things but actually that's what made the day great! I need to do this more often....appreciate the small things and take pride in my achievements instead of always thinking what wasn't achieved in the day.
3. List - I was SO grateful when I sat down before bed and I saw it was 'List'.... I felt absolutely exhausted and couldn't face having to write pages and pages like the previous nights! I just wanted my bed! I started by just doing a bullet point of the events of the day. I then made sub headings that said: Felt....
Glad I....
I found this really helpful. A really quick overview of the day. Great when you want to reflect but don't feel you have time. Interestingly I found the 'Felt' really calming. I liked recalling my feelings throughout the day and seeing the emotional journey I went on. It gave me confidence that things can turn around in a day and you can always pick your mood up. 'Glad I' made me instantly feel positive! I have used gratitude lists before and used to do them every night before bed. I should start that again. It's so easy to focus on what when wrong when you're a perfectionist like me! The handbook stated to also include 'Things people should remember about you'...I couldn't think of anything to write for this. I found it quite a selfish topic.
4. Evaluation - For this I had three headings....'What went well'....'What I learnt'....'Things to avoid'....
Again, I naturally just focused on the small things like "The sun was shining" which made me feel very grateful and positive. My 'What I learnt' section was huge! I had a particularly challenging day with parents. One I'd like to share was "Little deeds are appreciated and don't go un noticed" :-)
My things to avoid included "Don't rely on the interest for your lesson" as there was a thunderstorm and we lost internet connection so I had to quickly improvise my lesson plan. Also, which I thought was interesting "Letting personal feelings towards a kids behaviour and how they have been brought up effect the way you teach them"....I can't stand rude kids but I need to be more patient. Most of the time you meet the parent and then realise why their child is so rude. They are a product of a product. I need to work on that though.
5. Graphs, Charts and Diagrams - SO difficult! I had to Google 'My life in graphs, a guided journal' as I didn't have a clue what to do! I found it really hard to reflect on my day using this technique....I ended up enjoying the pie chart graph. I had three sections: Diversions, What makes me happy, and My job. My major diversion at the minute living in Singapore is the sunshine! I don't get much time off work so when I do I just want to lie in the sun all day! Which is extremely unproductive! Another is FaceTime. Living abroad means a lot of time is spent catching up with family and friends in the UK (which is often when I get home from work into my late evenings due to the time difference)....for 'My Job' I thought about the key elements to make me successful at my job. These included: Multi tasker, confidence, quick thinker, energetic and willing to work unpaid overtime! It was great to reflect on my job and my happiness and also distractions. From not knowing what to do I actually enjoyed it. And some of the books I found on Google look great!
6. What if? - I ended up feeling really grateful after this entry. My mind did go into overdrive though! There were certain scenarios during the day that made me feel better though by using this technique. For example: a mother was very annoyed at me as she got the wrong venue for the rehearsal and ended up being late and having to drive around a lot. However, I had tried to call her all morning and the evening before to tell her the change of venue. I also left text and answer phone messages. We even emailed. All the other parents got the message. So my 'What if' was "If (kids name) mother had answered her phone then she wouldn't have been so angry. I also could have done a few things better that day so it was good to reflect on that too and learn from it.
7. Another view - SO strange but entertaining! I chose a few people from work and wrote about what I think they thought of me from my comments and discussions that day. It was really strange to actually put myself in their shoes but also interesting. I then did as the handbook suggested and pretended I was an object. I chose my bottle of water. I have a real thing for hygiene and was convinced one of the kids had had a sip of my water (deep down I knew they probably hadn't though)....I wrote what my water bottle was probably thinking...."No one else touched me! Just drink me you fool! You're going to get a headache soon as you're so dehydrated!"
I found this way of journal writing really random but fun!
In conclusion, I really enjoyed exploring the different ways to journal....many of which I wasn't aware of. I particularly liked 'Initial Reflection' as I found it easy and enjoyable. Also it really made me think about my feelings, which personally I know I need to do more of. I didn't particularly like the 'Another View' method but I can appreciate why it is helpful. I surprised myself with the graphs as I would never think to do that. But I am a visual learner so it makes sense that I found that useful. It's probably good to do that every few months on the same topics and compare them to see what has changed.
I am so glad I took the time to do this as I've found it incredibly helpful and also encouraging that I can document in so many different ways. I have also learnt that there is ALWAYS time to do it. You don't have to write pages and pages, whatever your mood that evening you can pick and chose what style you feel like writing in. This is something I am definitely going to continue with.
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Reflective journal
I started my journal last week. I didn't want to start it until I had bought a lovely new notebook. I actually had a conversation with myself about how ridiculous this was and that I should just get going with the task! But actually, as I've been researching about 'How to write a journal' and 'Different ways to write a journal' what keeps cropping up is "Make sure you choose a journal that feels right to you" I totally understand that! I found a really interesting and simple article about how to journal. Here is the link:
I like the simple advice this article gives. Particularly "Take your journal everywhere you go" I think this is key! So much happens in a day that by the time you get home and collapse into bed, your mind quite often has already switched off for the day. I have started to carry it around with me and add during my lunch breaks and train journeys to and from work. This way, if I get home really late and just want to go straight to sleep I can. I found that I would quite often be playing catch up as I'd miss a day due to late night events and parties. This way I can document throughout the day and not miss out. I liked the quote in his article: "Ideas can come from anywhere and at any time. The problem with making mental notes is that the ink fades very rapidly.”
I will definitely take advice from the "Don't worry about handwriting, spelling and grammar".... I really like things to look neat! But I think that when it comes to writing down your thoughts, which no one else will see, it really doesn't matter! That's something I can definitely improve on. I need to stop writing as though someone is reading it. It's not an honest reflection. I like that this article also asks the question "What is the difference between a diary and a journal" as I was thinking that myself! I like the description given:
"In a diary, you simply record your reactions to the daily happenings in your life. A journal includes that and much more—it’s a repository for all of the things that interest and inspire you. It also provides a safe environment to experiment and grow creatively."
I also found a great article on writing forward.com about different types of journal writing. It states that their are 7 different types of journal writing....
The Dream Journal - The subconscious is a wondrous thing. Artists and geniuses alike have attributed some of their best work to the messages they received while dreaming. A dream journal is useful for anyone interested in exploring the subconscious mind, where creativity often lives and breathes. This type of journal writing is also ideal for folks who are interested in dream interpretation or trying to achieve lucid dreaming. For writers, journals that hold dreams will provide a myriad of images and plots that the waking creative mind simply can’t drudge up. Keep your journal near your bed and make sure you jot down your dreams as soon as you wake up, otherwise with each minute that passes, you’ll lose chunks of your nighttime imaginings.
Art Journal - Even us writers have to admit that a picture is worth a thousand words. Symbols are particularly powerful and speak directly to the subconscious, which is where your muse might be hiding. Like a dream journal, an art journal is a clever way to get in touch with the deeper recesses of your mind, where some of your most creative ideas are lurking. You don’t have to be a fine artist to use an art journal. Doodles and stick figures will open up your right brain too! An art journal is also perfect for sketching your characters, scenery, and maps of the worlds you are creating for your fiction.
Freewriting Journal - Sometimes called stream of consciousness writing, freewriting is a way to clear your mind of clutter. If you keep at it long enough, some pretty interesting stuff will emerge through your freewrites. Yes, it’s yet another way to tap into your creativity. If you can stop your conscious thinking and let the words flow, you’ll be amazed at the creative stew that is brewing just beneath the surface. You can do straight freewriting or try guided freewriting in which you focus on
a specific word, image, or topic. It’s a great way to hash out conversations with your characters, accumulate raw material that can later be harvested for poems, and brainstorm for just about any writing project that you’re planning or working on.
a specific word, image, or topic. It’s a great way to hash out conversations with your characters, accumulate raw material that can later be harvested for poems, and brainstorm for just about any writing project that you’re planning or working on.
Idea Journal - How many ideas have you lost? If you make it a point to note your ideas through daily journal writing, there’s a good chance you won’t lose any at all. This is why so many writers keep a journal or notebook with them at all times. In fact many writers use miniature notebooks for this very reason – there’s nothing worse than coming up with a brilliant idea when you’re at a party, in the middle of a phone conversation, or trying to fall asleep. Keep your journal near your person at all times, and you’ll never lose an idea again. Or, pick up several miniature notebooks and keep them in convenient places – your nightstand, purse, car, office desk, even the bathroom!
Inspirational Writing Journals - What inspires you? A sunset? A day with friends and family? A great movie or inspiring song? Quotes from the greats? You can record all the things that inspire you in an inspiration journal, taking notes from some of the world’s most successful creators. You can even paste photos and clippings, using images to capture moments that were especially inspiring. Then, when your creativity meter is running low, you can flip through your inspiration journal to capture ideas that ignite your passion (and your next writing project).
Life Events or Diary - A diary is pretty straightforward — you simply record the goings-on in your life. Some people start writing journals in diary format for special times or events in their lives, such as when they are getting married or having a baby, traveling, or moving to a new place. This is a great place to start if you’re interested in writing a memoir or autobiography. It’s also a perfect place to record the real experiences that you’ve had even if you plan on fictionalizing them later. Some of the best dialogue, descriptions, and scenes come straight out of real life!
Reader’s Journal - If you want to be a writer, read. Read a lot, then read some more. You just can’t
read enough. If you keep a journal, writing about what you’ve read, you can capture what worked and what didn’t work from a writer’s perspective. You’ll pick up neat writing tricks, jot down techniques that you’ve observed other writers using effectively, and of course, as you read and get ideas for your own projects, you can include those as well. Best of all, you’ll have a place where you’ve listed everything you’ve read and by keeping notes, you’ll retain all of it much better.
read enough. If you keep a journal, writing about what you’ve read, you can capture what worked and what didn’t work from a writer’s perspective. You’ll pick up neat writing tricks, jot down techniques that you’ve observed other writers using effectively, and of course, as you read and get ideas for your own projects, you can include those as well. Best of all, you’ll have a place where you’ve listed everything you’ve read and by keeping notes, you’ll retain all of it much better.
I never knew so much could be written about types of journals and how to journal! Over the next 7 days I am going to write my journal in the 7 different styles stated in the Module Handbook....Description, Initial Reflection, List, Evaluation, Graphs Charts and Diagrams, What if and Another View. I am looking forward to seeing what it will bring! I will write a blog in 7 days time to document my findings!
I have also been reading up on Boud. Boud states that journal writing should be used as a reflective vehicle to turn experience into learning. It can be used as a form of self expression, a record of events or a form of therapy. You shouldn't just record events and feelings, you should also acknowledge and learn from them. It is key to look at prior experience in order to progress. I found it very interesting reading about reflecting before an event. This is a new approach for me. My journal entries have always been about recalling events and feelings of the day once it has happened. I can see that by anticipating what might happen, especially in my job as a teacher, I can focus more on my goals and aspirations. I think it will really benefit and prepare me better. I can focus on what I want and acknowledge my desired outcome. It will also bring up questions of doubt that I can therefore be mindful of all aspects prior to the event. I tend to totally dismiss thoughts of doubt as I think I'm being negative but maybe it would be beneficial to be aware of these feelings and learn skills and coping strategies to deal with that. It is hard to reflect in the midst of action but Boud states we can be aware of noticing and intervening in situations. So much happens in my working day that I don't know how I would have time to reflect in the midst of it all. Maybe I could notice and accept things more when teaching. I could schedule time for reflection as Boud suggests. I could even reflect on the bus on the way home from work instead of going on Facebook on my phone. Sometimes I find reflecting exhausting though! I just want to not think of anything and relax! Why do I associate reflecting with intense thinking? It doesn't have to be hard work. It's all well and good reflecting after an event but Boud has really made me think about the importance of acting on it. Otherwise you're just documenting. This is what I currently do. I also always just write....why don't I experiment with images and colours? The perfectionist in me is so concerned about it looking neat! I REALLY need to work on this. After all, it's only me that sees it! However, I've realised that I hardly ever go back and read my journal entries as Boud suggests. How am I going to learn if I don't re-evaluate? Asa. Teacher this would really help me to improve. I have a ear of failure (which has improved over the years through reading many books!) I need to be more open to trying out new ideas. Boud mentions that we can block reflection. I think I do this sometimes and I'm grateful to have read about this as it's brought to light a few home truths and how I can benefit more from my journal writing. Sometimes we write differently if we know our work is being assessed but this is not displaying proper reflection. Boud states:
"In my own teaching, I encourage my students to keep portfolios of reflective material but inform them from the start that these do not have to be submitted to me. I point out that unless they feel sufficiently free to write things in their journals that they would be embarrassed for me to read, then they are probably not using their journals sufficiently well for them to be good examples of reflection. This does not mean that students can't use items from their journal for their assignments, but they understand the clear separation of writing for learning and writing for assessment purposes." (Boud, 1992)
It has made me think how varied journal writing can be. After reading Boud's work, I have personally learnt that I can write before an event and learn from that process. I need to analyse my feelings more so I can find patterns and use strategies to improve situations. I can be more experimental by using images in my journal and need to write more truthfully. This can only benefit me personally and professionally.
I have also been reading up on Boud. Boud states that journal writing should be used as a reflective vehicle to turn experience into learning. It can be used as a form of self expression, a record of events or a form of therapy. You shouldn't just record events and feelings, you should also acknowledge and learn from them. It is key to look at prior experience in order to progress. I found it very interesting reading about reflecting before an event. This is a new approach for me. My journal entries have always been about recalling events and feelings of the day once it has happened. I can see that by anticipating what might happen, especially in my job as a teacher, I can focus more on my goals and aspirations. I think it will really benefit and prepare me better. I can focus on what I want and acknowledge my desired outcome. It will also bring up questions of doubt that I can therefore be mindful of all aspects prior to the event. I tend to totally dismiss thoughts of doubt as I think I'm being negative but maybe it would be beneficial to be aware of these feelings and learn skills and coping strategies to deal with that. It is hard to reflect in the midst of action but Boud states we can be aware of noticing and intervening in situations. So much happens in my working day that I don't know how I would have time to reflect in the midst of it all. Maybe I could notice and accept things more when teaching. I could schedule time for reflection as Boud suggests. I could even reflect on the bus on the way home from work instead of going on Facebook on my phone. Sometimes I find reflecting exhausting though! I just want to not think of anything and relax! Why do I associate reflecting with intense thinking? It doesn't have to be hard work. It's all well and good reflecting after an event but Boud has really made me think about the importance of acting on it. Otherwise you're just documenting. This is what I currently do. I also always just write....why don't I experiment with images and colours? The perfectionist in me is so concerned about it looking neat! I REALLY need to work on this. After all, it's only me that sees it! However, I've realised that I hardly ever go back and read my journal entries as Boud suggests. How am I going to learn if I don't re-evaluate? Asa. Teacher this would really help me to improve. I have a ear of failure (which has improved over the years through reading many books!) I need to be more open to trying out new ideas. Boud mentions that we can block reflection. I think I do this sometimes and I'm grateful to have read about this as it's brought to light a few home truths and how I can benefit more from my journal writing. Sometimes we write differently if we know our work is being assessed but this is not displaying proper reflection. Boud states:
"In my own teaching, I encourage my students to keep portfolios of reflective material but inform them from the start that these do not have to be submitted to me. I point out that unless they feel sufficiently free to write things in their journals that they would be embarrassed for me to read, then they are probably not using their journals sufficiently well for them to be good examples of reflection. This does not mean that students can't use items from their journal for their assignments, but they understand the clear separation of writing for learning and writing for assessment purposes." (Boud, 1992)
It has made me think how varied journal writing can be. After reading Boud's work, I have personally learnt that I can write before an event and learn from that process. I need to analyse my feelings more so I can find patterns and use strategies to improve situations. I can be more experimental by using images in my journal and need to write more truthfully. This can only benefit me personally and professionally.
The Reflective Practitioner
I was very excited to read all about the tasks in the next section of the module. From the age of about 6 I would always document family trips we went on, writing and drawing in detail about our family holidays (my mum still has them all!) As I got older, around 9, I started to write a diary every single night. I did this for many years! At first I would just write an account of the day and the activities I had done. My mum and grandparents would always encourage me to do this saying it was a lovely thing to look back on. And indeed it is! I LOVE reading my old diaries. As my grandpa used to say, your memory can only hold so much. In my teens I started to write more about feelings from the days events or issues that had come up. I continued to write a diary every night when I moved to London at 16. At first, for convenience, I started documents on my laptop but ended up just reverting back to a good old notebook and pen. For me I really prefer to write than type. It feels more real. You can't erase anything without having to scribble it out and make a mess! The busier I started to get the more the diary writing slipped. However, every show contract I did I would always make a book at the end, filled with pictures from the job, and get everyone to write a message inside and a memory. I love looking back at these. When I went back packing around the world on my own when I was in my early 20s I wrote a diary in every country I went to. There was a lot of travel time between countries....overnight buses and trains.....so plenty of time to reflect. And that's the key isn't it.....TIME. I think it's so important to take the time to reflect on things. The last 3 years I haven't written any form of diary blaming "I don't have enough time" for this. But actually, self reflection is so important....whatever career you have. I am definitely someone who doesn't pore their heart out easily and definitely keeps a lot in emotionally trying to "be strong and keep it together" However, as we all know, this is not the answer. My friend, who is a child psychologist, was telling me that journals and diaries are key for a lot of children's development and recovery. I am actually really grateful that for this module I will HAVE to start writing a journal again. I am excited for what it will bring.
Sunday, 8 November 2015
Youtube challenge!
I have created my own Youtube channel and uploaded my 'First Impressions' video. Here is the link:
I have never had a youtube account before but it is something I will definitely continue using. We have one at work that parents can access and where we can post videos and performances. It is privately set so only parents, students and teachers can access it. It's perfect for when you need the students to practice certain routines for exams and shows. You can post the choreography on there and they can easily access it. I can definitely see the benefit of having this for my future business. I like how it was really simple to do and also I was easily able to make it private. It's a great visual for future employees as well as a video can get more of your personality across compared to an email. They can also easily see examples of your work. I really enjoyed this task :-)
I have never had a youtube account before but it is something I will definitely continue using. We have one at work that parents can access and where we can post videos and performances. It is privately set so only parents, students and teachers can access it. It's perfect for when you need the students to practice certain routines for exams and shows. You can post the choreography on there and they can easily access it. I can definitely see the benefit of having this for my future business. I like how it was really simple to do and also I was easily able to make it private. It's a great visual for future employees as well as a video can get more of your personality across compared to an email. They can also easily see examples of your work. I really enjoyed this task :-)
I have just completed the task of setting up a Flickr account and have to say it was extremely frustrating. I found the whole site incredibly difficult to use. I have spent literally hours trying to change my background photo, upload photos, create an album, check to see if it is private....it is extremely difficult to even crop a photo! I had to open separate windows to get a guide from Google on how to do certain tasks. I understand that it is a great website to store lots of pictures but I found myself feeling nervous as to whether or not my page was private or was public. I therefore didn't upload any pictures of myself, just of inspiring quotes I love. I also disliked how I had to set up a Yahoo account....I already have an aol account and 2 gmail accounts so it seemed like just another thing! I love photography and make a huge effort to back up my pictures from my Canon camera onto an external hard drive. I prefer this to storing them online as I know for a fact only I have access. I love Instagram and also Pinterest. I find Facebook easy to upload to as well. I understand that Flickr would be great if you were a performer as you could upload dance shots and professional images from productions. It would be a great way to promote yourself. However, I am struggling to see how as a teacher I would use it for my professional work. I can't upload pictures of my students therefore all the photos would just either be inspirational quotes and pictures (which I have on my Pinterest accountant and also Instagram) or pictures of myself (which I already have backed up on an external hard drive and Facebook)....
I decided to Google reviews and opinions on Flickr as felt like I was missing something. I can see that you can hold a mass amount of photos on there which is a major advantage. Also photographers seem to love that they can share their work on this free site. Maybe I'm just being slightly old fashioned and skeptical about photos being shared online on a site I don't really understand. Interestingly I Googled 'Lucy Calvert Flickr' (to try and get the link to copy and paste on here) and a picture came up of me from YEARS ago when I did a showcase with the Actors Studio. I definitely didn't put this picture up. It was my headshot along with everyone else's who was in the show with me. There was no option for me to remove it as it said Copyright Reserved. Since starting this course I have become SO much more aware of my online status....more aware of the pictures I post, the sites I use and how much control I have over those pictures. It's something I never really thought about before....
I understand how effective posting photos onto sites can be. "A picture is worth a thousand words" as they say! Pictures allow you to be creative, tell stories, flex your imagination. In today's social media world it is key....I know I'd rather watch a video or flick through an album of pictures than read an email account of someone's latest production or holiday. Visual effects bring something to life. You gain a deeper understanding of what it was really like. A more truthful understanding. Things seem clearer to me in pictures. You can get a strong message across with just one image. It can be incredibly powerful.
The link to my Flickr:
I decided to Google reviews and opinions on Flickr as felt like I was missing something. I can see that you can hold a mass amount of photos on there which is a major advantage. Also photographers seem to love that they can share their work on this free site. Maybe I'm just being slightly old fashioned and skeptical about photos being shared online on a site I don't really understand. Interestingly I Googled 'Lucy Calvert Flickr' (to try and get the link to copy and paste on here) and a picture came up of me from YEARS ago when I did a showcase with the Actors Studio. I definitely didn't put this picture up. It was my headshot along with everyone else's who was in the show with me. There was no option for me to remove it as it said Copyright Reserved. Since starting this course I have become SO much more aware of my online status....more aware of the pictures I post, the sites I use and how much control I have over those pictures. It's something I never really thought about before....
I understand how effective posting photos onto sites can be. "A picture is worth a thousand words" as they say! Pictures allow you to be creative, tell stories, flex your imagination. In today's social media world it is key....I know I'd rather watch a video or flick through an album of pictures than read an email account of someone's latest production or holiday. Visual effects bring something to life. You gain a deeper understanding of what it was really like. A more truthful understanding. Things seem clearer to me in pictures. You can get a strong message across with just one image. It can be incredibly powerful.
The link to my Flickr:
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Is social media real life?
I'm sure you have all seen the article this week about a young woman revealing the dark side to social media. Essena O'Neill had so many followers on Instagram her social media life became her income. Her life was branded as 'perfect'....she travelled the world, wore wonderful clothes and uploaded pictures of herself daily looking nothing short of incredible. However, she has this week disclosed the truth about her online life. The 'natural and casual' daily shots were in fact all set up. She was paid to wear designer clothes and do shoots for her Instagram. And this is becoming more and more common. Companies saw how many followers she had and would give her their clothes to market....and I mean, why wouldn't they? That's incredible free advertising for them! She talks about how she wouldn't eat before bikini shots and how she became obsessed with the social media world. She was earning a fortune! I think it's really great that someone has finally come out and said all of this. The amount of filters now on Instagram is crazy! Most pictures look nothing like the original. What is this obsession with how we appear online and driving for perfection. It's not real life. It's a photoshopped version. I understand the appeal and of course I do it myself to my pictures. I love photography so enjoy playing around with the filters on scenery images. I do believe though that most people filter pictures of themselves purely because everyone else does. If no one did we wouldn't be so obsessed. We'd all look normal.
Teenage bloggers are making a fortune nowadays. Some up to £20,000 a month! But at what price? Their whole life is exposed. They document everything. Nothing is kept private. It's interesting as when I ask the children I teach what they want to be when they grow up, more and more now answer 'A blogger' or 'A you tuber'....I worry about the way children nowadays see the world and what pressures they have. I googled stats for anorexia in young people in the UK....a 34% increase since 2006....
Although I enjoy social media and understand how vital it is for companies and businesses nowadays I do think it's essential, especially from a teachers perspective, that the younger generations are educated properly on this topic. It is always important to look at both sides and not bring our children up to think that an un photoshopped picture of themselves is not ok. We should be giving them the self confidence to be themselves and educating them that not everything on social media is real life.
I would be interested to hear other peoples opinions on this topic.
Article from The Guardian about Essena O'Neill:
Teenage bloggers are making a fortune nowadays. Some up to £20,000 a month! But at what price? Their whole life is exposed. They document everything. Nothing is kept private. It's interesting as when I ask the children I teach what they want to be when they grow up, more and more now answer 'A blogger' or 'A you tuber'....I worry about the way children nowadays see the world and what pressures they have. I googled stats for anorexia in young people in the UK....a 34% increase since 2006....
Although I enjoy social media and understand how vital it is for companies and businesses nowadays I do think it's essential, especially from a teachers perspective, that the younger generations are educated properly on this topic. It is always important to look at both sides and not bring our children up to think that an un photoshopped picture of themselves is not ok. We should be giving them the self confidence to be themselves and educating them that not everything on social media is real life.
I would be interested to hear other peoples opinions on this topic.
Article from The Guardian about Essena O'Neill:
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Web 2.0
When I first started reading the 'Reader 1 Professional communication technologies' handbook I got to around page 3 and started to think it was going to take a lot of effort to understand it all!! I didn't really know what it was talking about....I had never even heard of Web 2.0! But as I continued to read I became more and more interested. I then realises that I obviously am a part of it all! I've had Facebook for around 10 years! I was at college at the time down in London and everyone had MySpace. I am originally from the north of England and lots of my friends were at Manchester or Leeds university. I remember them calling me saying I had to get this thing called Facebook. Purely because I was in London and they were up north I got it as it seemed like a good way to keep in touch. Many people at college still didn't have it but obviously slowly but surely, friendship group by friendship group, it took over all other sites and revolutionised Social Media. I say revolutionised as I feel Facebook it exactly what Web 2.0 advocates....it's free, easy and quick. It is also for everyone. It allows more generations to collaborate, share and interact. When it first started my mum wanted nothing to do with it. She didn't like the idea of having information about herself online I guess. And also she is obviously from a generation that makes more of an effort to actually speak in person to their friends! She didn't think there was any reason to get it. Fast forward 10 years and she and all her friends have a Facebook. Even grandparents now have Facebook! I personally go on Facebook every day. It's the only Social Media site I go on....I've never really understood my purpose for having Twitter!? I love that on Facebook I can stay connected with all my friends and family all over the world so easily. I can share pictures of my travels where 100s can upload in seconds compared to attaching a photo one by one to an email....it got me thinking about how much as a society we expect things to work instantly nowadays. I'll hold my hands up and say that most of the time, if I click on a link on Facebook or go to watch a video and it isn't uploading straight away or I have to wait I usually just leave it. How terrible is that! How impatient have we become! For me that is just the difference between watching a video or not....for businesses a link that doesn't work properly is a crucial error!
Social media nowadays often has people uploading videos before even the police or other authorities see them! Such an occurrence happened just last week with regards to the Rugby World Cup. A fan recorded this:
This was not picked up by the referee or the commentators but by a fan watching the television at home! The player was awarded man of the match! The video then emerged and the player was banded for the following match! This got me thinking how much control the public has with regards to social media and online power. Anyone can post anything!
There is also many apps and sites out there that allow you to be extremely creative. Personalising your pictures is especially popular with sites like Instagram and InstaCollage. It gives the user the power to create. To personalise. No longer do we take a picture and share....we now take a picture, change the effects, photoshop it, filter it, add a boarder, add text, add other images....I could go on! The saying I LOVED from the handbook was 'The consumer is also the producer'....so true. You can reuse and rearrange information and images to make them your own. Which is very appealing to a user. Another sentence that stuck me was 'In Web 2.0 the user can collaborate, connect, critique, share and remix information and communication'. Critique is an interesting one. People are so honest online with their criticism. Maybe it's because they can't be seen so they feel more confident to say how they feel. This leads to the topic of cyber bullying which, having worked in schools with teenagers, is becoming a big problem. The downside of Web 2.0 and also a very dangerous side in my opinion.
A fantastic aspect on Web 2.0 is how strangers from diverse backgrounds can come together. My thought is that they can do this safely too. They can 'act collectively' and it allows so much freedom
to find others with similar views to yourself. Most charities, campaigns, debates will have a Facebook group that you can join. Connecting with people all over the world! Something that would be impossible without Web 2.0. It can facilitate debate and discussion in a safe environment. Obviously,
as with all things, this can be abused. But my opinion is that there is a sense of freedom and confidence to speak your mind, join forces and take action for what you believe in. Often you may not have your full name either or any contact details so people from completing different backgrounds, religions, beliefs can come together and unite without fear.
I found it very interesting reading about all the different processes particularly Gruber's. Google for example generates self service problem solving. I'd never thought of it like that! It finds popular articles with similar queries and leads to discussions of interest relevant to you online. It then states that 'intelligent users can formulate their problems in queries that the search engine matches to online answers'....it sounds so complicated when you put it like that and we all do it daily without any effort! Incredible when you think about it. The fact that you can Google absolutely anything and something would come up....even if you just out one letter in the search engine....blows my MIND! Again, it didn't blow my mind until I actually read this handbook and actually thought about it! Gruber's process states that Web 2.0 will continue to evolve and grow if it:
- Facilitate communication through software
- Allow people to search and find info
- Add feedback themselves
Again, things we take for granted!
Having just moved to Singapore Web 2.0 is key for me. Your phone picks up your location so when you are on Facebook groups are recommended to you based on where you are. This is great for events, networking and meeting people. Also the 'recommended mutual friends' aspect is amazing.
As a teacher I am very aware of never sharing my Web 2.0 details. It's not that I have anything to hide, I just find it very inappropriate to be Facebook friends with students or parents. My new job has an absolute no Facebook policy where you can't communicate with any students or parents. I think it's more difficult when your freelance though as it's an easy way to communicate. I had an
experience myself where a teenage boy I taught during a project some how found out my full name. He was then able to go on Facebook and view all my photos....some I had up were of me on holiday obviously just in bikinis and swim suits. I thought my Facebook was set at private but after this
incident realised it can only be fully private if you change your privacy settings on a laptop, not a phone. Since then I have obviously been very aware of my Facebook profile....the privacy settings of it and also what I post. I never share any of my political views, religious views etc as I think there is always someone out there who will be offended by what you say. I just have my Facebook as a way to message friends and post pictures. Having read the handbook is has got me thinking again about how safe our online profiles are. I decided to Google it and found a great little article '10 tips for staying safe on Facebook'....many of which I don't do. Here is the link:
Netiquette is very important to me. Social media is not the place to rant or be rude. Again, you will always just end up offending someone. Also, from an employers perspective, your online profile is going to say a lot about the kind of person you are. Not having good netiquette could end up ruining your chances. And also be a reason for your job to end! We've all seen articles of people being fired because of videos or images they posted online. Also, it got me thinking back to an earlier blog I did questioning if you can delete things about you once they are on the World Wide Web....
It was interesting to read and relate to online marketing and how many campaigns now target you through social media. It's also crazy to think that computers can save your searches on things like Google and then suddenly ads for these things you are interested in pop up on your Facebook at the side! Scary! I'm always quite wary too of how many emails I get from companies I've never heard of let alone signed up to. How did they get my details? A question many of us ask I think.
So from page 3 where I was switching off and wondering what on earth I was reading and panicking how I was going to find anything to say about Web 2.0 you can see I have found A LOT to say! It has
been so interesting to stop and question the things we take for granted. But also for me as a teacher, to again revisit my online profile and make sure that I am happy with how I am coming across
professionally. It was crazy to read that Kuehn's article 'Getting into Trouble on Facebook' discusses the dilemmas that teachers face using Facebook stating 'Teachers are the most vulnerable group from violations of boundary crossing between ones personal and professional lives'. Definitely something to think about.
Oh and one more thing....the Reader 1 states that Wikipedia is apparently frowned upon by academics as it is an un-authored source?!?! I had no idea! That is always my go to site for what I thought was definite fact!! Mind. Blown.
Social media nowadays often has people uploading videos before even the police or other authorities see them! Such an occurrence happened just last week with regards to the Rugby World Cup. A fan recorded this:
This was not picked up by the referee or the commentators but by a fan watching the television at home! The player was awarded man of the match! The video then emerged and the player was banded for the following match! This got me thinking how much control the public has with regards to social media and online power. Anyone can post anything!
There is also many apps and sites out there that allow you to be extremely creative. Personalising your pictures is especially popular with sites like Instagram and InstaCollage. It gives the user the power to create. To personalise. No longer do we take a picture and share....we now take a picture, change the effects, photoshop it, filter it, add a boarder, add text, add other images....I could go on! The saying I LOVED from the handbook was 'The consumer is also the producer'....so true. You can reuse and rearrange information and images to make them your own. Which is very appealing to a user. Another sentence that stuck me was 'In Web 2.0 the user can collaborate, connect, critique, share and remix information and communication'. Critique is an interesting one. People are so honest online with their criticism. Maybe it's because they can't be seen so they feel more confident to say how they feel. This leads to the topic of cyber bullying which, having worked in schools with teenagers, is becoming a big problem. The downside of Web 2.0 and also a very dangerous side in my opinion.
A fantastic aspect on Web 2.0 is how strangers from diverse backgrounds can come together. My thought is that they can do this safely too. They can 'act collectively' and it allows so much freedom
to find others with similar views to yourself. Most charities, campaigns, debates will have a Facebook group that you can join. Connecting with people all over the world! Something that would be impossible without Web 2.0. It can facilitate debate and discussion in a safe environment. Obviously,
as with all things, this can be abused. But my opinion is that there is a sense of freedom and confidence to speak your mind, join forces and take action for what you believe in. Often you may not have your full name either or any contact details so people from completing different backgrounds, religions, beliefs can come together and unite without fear.
I found it very interesting reading about all the different processes particularly Gruber's. Google for example generates self service problem solving. I'd never thought of it like that! It finds popular articles with similar queries and leads to discussions of interest relevant to you online. It then states that 'intelligent users can formulate their problems in queries that the search engine matches to online answers'....it sounds so complicated when you put it like that and we all do it daily without any effort! Incredible when you think about it. The fact that you can Google absolutely anything and something would come up....even if you just out one letter in the search engine....blows my MIND! Again, it didn't blow my mind until I actually read this handbook and actually thought about it! Gruber's process states that Web 2.0 will continue to evolve and grow if it:
- Facilitate communication through software
- Allow people to search and find info
- Add feedback themselves
Again, things we take for granted!
Having just moved to Singapore Web 2.0 is key for me. Your phone picks up your location so when you are on Facebook groups are recommended to you based on where you are. This is great for events, networking and meeting people. Also the 'recommended mutual friends' aspect is amazing.
As a teacher I am very aware of never sharing my Web 2.0 details. It's not that I have anything to hide, I just find it very inappropriate to be Facebook friends with students or parents. My new job has an absolute no Facebook policy where you can't communicate with any students or parents. I think it's more difficult when your freelance though as it's an easy way to communicate. I had an
experience myself where a teenage boy I taught during a project some how found out my full name. He was then able to go on Facebook and view all my photos....some I had up were of me on holiday obviously just in bikinis and swim suits. I thought my Facebook was set at private but after this
incident realised it can only be fully private if you change your privacy settings on a laptop, not a phone. Since then I have obviously been very aware of my Facebook profile....the privacy settings of it and also what I post. I never share any of my political views, religious views etc as I think there is always someone out there who will be offended by what you say. I just have my Facebook as a way to message friends and post pictures. Having read the handbook is has got me thinking again about how safe our online profiles are. I decided to Google it and found a great little article '10 tips for staying safe on Facebook'....many of which I don't do. Here is the link:
Netiquette is very important to me. Social media is not the place to rant or be rude. Again, you will always just end up offending someone. Also, from an employers perspective, your online profile is going to say a lot about the kind of person you are. Not having good netiquette could end up ruining your chances. And also be a reason for your job to end! We've all seen articles of people being fired because of videos or images they posted online. Also, it got me thinking back to an earlier blog I did questioning if you can delete things about you once they are on the World Wide Web....
It was interesting to read and relate to online marketing and how many campaigns now target you through social media. It's also crazy to think that computers can save your searches on things like Google and then suddenly ads for these things you are interested in pop up on your Facebook at the side! Scary! I'm always quite wary too of how many emails I get from companies I've never heard of let alone signed up to. How did they get my details? A question many of us ask I think.
So from page 3 where I was switching off and wondering what on earth I was reading and panicking how I was going to find anything to say about Web 2.0 you can see I have found A LOT to say! It has
been so interesting to stop and question the things we take for granted. But also for me as a teacher, to again revisit my online profile and make sure that I am happy with how I am coming across
professionally. It was crazy to read that Kuehn's article 'Getting into Trouble on Facebook' discusses the dilemmas that teachers face using Facebook stating 'Teachers are the most vulnerable group from violations of boundary crossing between ones personal and professional lives'. Definitely something to think about.
Oh and one more thing....the Reader 1 states that Wikipedia is apparently frowned upon by academics as it is an un-authored source?!?! I had no idea! That is always my go to site for what I thought was definite fact!! Mind. Blown.
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