I have spent the last week looking into my enquiry topic and finding out more information about dramatherapy, which is a subject I am thinking of pursuing after my BA. Firstly I wanted to find a clear example of what Dramatherapy is:
"Drama therapy (written dramatherapy in the UK) is the use of theatre techniques to facilitate personal growth and promote mental health. Dramatherapy is used in a wide variety of settings, including hospitals, schools, mental health centers, prisons, and businesses."
I found a private practitioner in London and her website was very interesting:
"It is impossible when working with children of any age and in any capacity not to notice how important drama and play are to their every day life. Drama and play are a crucial part of healthy human development, and it is for this reason that Dramatherapy can be an effective form of intervention to help troubled children and young people.
When children and young people are faced with difficulties it may be hard for them to express their feelings in a verbal way, but through the creative mediums of drama, play, story, art, music and movement, Dramatherapy can help them to be understood and can promote their emotional and social wellbeing. Dramatherapy can be used for:
- Emotional Issues such as trauma, abuse, loss or bereavement, attachment issues, bullying, changes in home life such as foster care and adoption
- Behavioural Issues such as violent behaviour towards others, anger issues, bullying, swearing, destruction of property, stealing, self harm
- Learning Difficulties - mild, moderate, severe, profound and complex including those on the Autistic Spectrum
- Speech & Communication Difficulties including non verbal and elective mute individuals
- Social Issues such as the need to improve empathy, listening skills, ability in working with other children, interaction with others, expressing feelings
- Mental Health Issues such as depression, suicidal thoughts and eating disorders amongst others"
(Emma Dawes, Dramatherapist based in London)
This is what I want to base my enquiry on. This is what I am interested and passionate about. And it is something that I want to do after my BA so the enquiry will aid my future studies. I looked into the main dramatherapy site in the UK to gain an insight into the courses and events going on:
A quote I liked from the website was:
"It is a method of working and playing that uses action methods to facilitate creativity, imagination, learning, insight and growth."
I looked at a contact that I know in Singapore. The drama school I work at has regular contact with Caroline as she regularly refers students to us. Here is some information about her background and the website link for where she works. I have been to visit the centre and the work that they do is fantastic.
I found a fantastic website whilst I was researching:
"It is an innovative, international refereed ejournal that provides a forum for practitioners and researchers across the spectrum of drama in educational settings. We encourage, gather and publish research based articles from established and new writers to promote knowledge, understanding and dialogue about drama in learning settings."
(Published by National Drama - the UKs leading professional association for drama teachers and
theatre educators)
I found this article particularly interesting:
Many students who took part in the investigation as to whether incorporating drama into the curriculum would help flourished. Many who were usually quiet and shy or struggled to remember things in class found learning through drama a lot easier. This also brings into play the importance of different learning methods: visual, auditory, kinaesthetic. In schools it must be so difficult to cater for every child's needs in a class of 30, especially when there are targets to hit. Many children are not reaching their full potential as they don't suit the learning technique used. I know that at school I learnt very much visually and would rarely retain information through a teacher just speaking at me. I wonder if I could incorporate this somehow into my study. I do feel though that my subject is still too broad and I need to somehow focus in on one topic.